1931年冬,为建立中央苏区统一的最高金融机构,毛泽民从瑞金来到长汀,巡视、考察设立在长汀的银行——闽西工农银行。 在闽西工农银行行长阮山的陪同下,毛泽民看望了全体工作人员,听取了营业科长赖祖烈、会计科长曹菊如、司库科长陈寄今关于银行工作的简要汇报。毛泽民对“调剂金融,保存现金。发展社会经济,实行低息借贷”的银行方针作了充分的
In the winter of 1931, Mao Zedong came to Changting from Ruijin to visit the highest financial institution in the Central Soviet Area for inspection. He visited the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Changting. Accompanied by Nguyen Thanh, head of the Industrial and Rural Bank of Fujian Province, Mao Zemin paid a visit to all staff members and listened to a briefing by Chen Ruiju, chief of the chief of accountants, and chief of the chief of accountancy, Chen Ruiji, on the bank’s work. Mao Zedong made a full account of the banking policy of “adjusting the financial system, preserving the cash, developing the social economy and practicing low-interest loans.”