
来源 :中国预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyuan2009
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目的 了解山东省碘缺乏病防治现状 ,正确评价碘缺乏病防治效果 ,为制定科学的防治规划提供依据。方法 采用分层整体抽样法对 8~ 10岁学龄儿童的碘营养状况 (包括甲状腺肿大率、尿碘、智商水平 )及居民户碘盐食用情况进行监测。结果 甲状腺肿大率、尿碘中位数等主要指标均已达到国家碘缺乏病消除标准 ,居民户合格碘盐食用率低于标准 1 6个百分点 ,碘缺乏病健康教育状况不甚理想。结论 山东省居民碘营养状况良好 ,碘摄入量能基本满足机体生长发育需要 ,但需要继续抓好碘盐供应及健康教育工作。同时 ,建议今后在修订《食用盐》国家标准时应针对不同地区的具体情况采用不同的食盐含碘量标准 Objective To understand the current status of prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders in Shandong Province and to correctly evaluate the prevention and control effects of iodine deficiency disorders in order to provide scientific basis for prevention and control planning. Methods The stratified sampling method was used to monitor the iodine nutrition status (including goiter rate, urinary iodine, IQ level) and the consumption of iodized salt in residents aged 8-10 years. Results The main indicators such as goiter rate and median urinary iodine have all reached the standard of eliminating iodine deficiency disease in our country. The rate of qualified iodine salt consumption of residents is 16% lower than the standard. The status of health education for iodine deficiency disorders is not satisfactory. Conclusion The iodine nutrition of residents in Shandong Province is good. The intake of iodine can basically meet the growth and development needs of the body. However, iodine supply and health education need to be continued. In the meantime, it is suggested that in the future, when adopting the national standard for “edible salt”, different salt iodine standard should be adopted according to the specific conditions in different regions
患者 女 ,39岁。因咳嗽、咳白色黏液痰 6个月 ,左胸痛、伴发热 2个月入院。入院时检查 :一般状态良好 ,气管居中 ,两侧锁骨上下及腋窝均未触及淋巴结肿大。左胸第 5前肋间以