
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaopirate
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随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,网络技术与科学技术的发展日新月异,尤其是步入二十一世纪以来,信息瞬息万变,在当前知识经济时代谁能够准确获取大量的、有价值的信息资源并做出正确反映,则能够在激烈的市场竞争中掌握主动权。可以说信息流已然是当前大多数企业实现生存和发展的生命线,在这一背景下企业如何注重自身财务管理工作的改善、促进企业信息化的发展就显得尤为必要。对此,本文就我国企业会计信息化中存在的问题进行简单的分析与思考,并提出一些可供参考的意见与措施。 With the rapid socio-economic development of our country, the development of network technology and science and technology is changing rapidly. Especially since the 21st century, information has been rapidly changing. In the current era of knowledge-based economy, who can accurately obtain a large amount of valuable information resources and do Correctly reflect, then be able to seize the initiative in the fierce market competition. It can be said that the flow of information is already the lifeline for the survival and development of most enterprises at present. Under this background, it is necessary for enterprises to pay attention to the improvement of their financial management and to promote the development of enterprise informatization. In this regard, this paper briefly analyzes and thinks about the existing problems in the accounting informationization of Chinese enterprises, and puts forward some suggestions and measures for reference.
In Dandong, a smal Chinese border city across the Yalu River from North Korea, housing prices have skyrocketed since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's announce-
Swiss food giant Nestlé announced on May 7 that it had entered into an agreement with Starbucks for per-petual rights to market the latter's consumer and foods
3月下旬的中国国际时装周上,呈现出纺织服装上下游“链动时尚”的火热景象。  热象之一是上游纺织企业的踊跃加入。除了持续在时装周上设立奖项、鼓励设计师全面探索宾霸面料新用法的日本旭化成,更有携手设计师孙林,引领、探索、定义亚麻时尚新概念的新申亚麻集团;美国国际棉花协会也携江南布衣等品牌和艺术家推出“棉力量主题展”。由此看来,联合终端、打响品牌,已成为上游纺企的选择。  热象之二是设计师主动与面料商建