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经济转型不仅使中俄两国的经济体制发生了重大转变,而且使两国的经济结构发生了深刻调整。俄罗斯不仅形成了混乱的市场体制和分裂的社会结构,而且形成了一种去工业化、去现代化的资源依赖型经济结构。中国在转型进程中形成的是一种政府主导的可控的市场经济社会,并处于工业化的迅速爬升阶段。导致中俄两国经济结构差异的一个关键因素就是国家制度能力。一个能力充分的国家能够根据内外环境的变化对经济结构进行适应性调整,实现社会经济持续、快速、平衡发展的目标;反之,则可能导致经济结构退化,经济发展停滞,乃至国家竞争优势的丧失。后危机时代,中俄两国依然面临着深化经济转型和推进发展模式转变的重任,如何塑造适宜的国家制度能力,是推动经济结构进一步调整优化的重要动力。 Economic restructuring not only brought about a major change in the economic structure of China and Russia, but also profoundly adjusted the economic structure of the two countries. Russia not only formed a chaotic market system and a divided social structure, but also formed a de-industrialized and modernized resource-dependent economic structure. In the course of its transformation, China formed a controlled market economy dominated by the government and was at a stage of rapid industrialization. A key factor that has led to the differences in the economic structure between China and Russia is the capacity of the state institutions. A fully capable nation can adjust its economic structure adaptively according to changes in its internal and external environment and achieve the goal of sustained, rapid and balanced socio-economic development. On the contrary, it may lead to the deterioration of economic structure, the stagnation of economic development and even the loss of national competitive advantage . In the post-crisis era, China and Russia are still faced with the heavy task of deepening their economic restructuring and promoting the transformation of their development model. How to shape the appropriate national institutional capacity is an important impetus for further adjustment and optimization of the economic structure.
<正> 本项试验系武汉市科委下达的《伊莎褐蛋鸡农村规模饲养适应性研究》攻关课题的研究内容。现将试验结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 伊莎褐父母代种鸡1030只(其中AB系公雏
<正> 我省是全国养禽生产大省之一,改革开放以来,养禽业有了长足的发展。自1980年以来,年均禽存笼以6.67%,禽蛋产量以9.36%、禽肉产量以15.59%的速度递增。1992年底全省禽存
<正> 优化农业内部结构,建立高产、优质、高效农业,新洲县农民陈五旺开发了粮—猪—鱼—沼结构的家庭生态农业,获得显著的经济、技术、社会、生态效益。过去,家庭副业养猪头