
来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wubo123321
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广东地处热带、亚热带,是以稻米为主产的多熟制地区。大豆常年播种面积200万亩左右,单产约60公斤。选育适应我省生态环境和耕作制度、中早熟、比对照品种穗稻黄增产10%以上、抗病虫性较强、适应性广、品质优良的大豆新品种,可迅速改变我省大豆生产的落后面貌。粤豆86—37、粤豆86—43是我省首次杂交选育并已示范推广的新品种。(一)选育经过粤豆86—37与粤豆86—43(暂名)均为1982年配制的组合。粤豆86—37组合号为82—25,是选用地方优良品种菊黄为母本,以浙江上圩坎山白为父本,采用系谱法与集团法相结合,经过7个世代选育,于1986年在选种圃 Located in the tropics and subtropics, Guangdong is a multi-cooked region dominated by rice. Soybean perennial sown area of ​​200 mu, yield about 60 kg. Breeding adapt to the province’s ecological environment and farming system, early maturing, than the control varieties spike yellow yield more than 10%, strong pest resistance, wide adaptability, good quality of new varieties of soybeans can quickly change the province’s soybean production The backward face. Guangdong beans 86-37, 86-43 Guangdong beans is the first hybrid breeding in our province and has demonstrated the promotion of new varieties. (A) Breeding After the combination of GDD 86-37 and GDD 86-43 (tentative name) both formulated in 1982, Combination number of Guangdong bean 86-37 82-25, is the selection of local varieties of jujube as the female parent to Zhejiang Shangxu Hanky ​​white as the male parent, using pedigree method combined with group law, after seven generations of breeding, at In 1986 in the selection of nurseries
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