Transport and electroluminescence mechanism in Au/(Si/SiO_2)/P-Si film

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vgbin2
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The samples of Au/(Si/SiO_2)/p-Si structure were fabricated by using the R.F magnetron sputtering technique.Its carrier transport and electroluminescence mechanism were studied from the I-V curves and EL spectra by using the Configuration Coordinate as a theoretical model.The result indicates that there are two defect centers in SiO_2 films.The electron in Au and the hole in p-Si went into SiO_2 film by the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling model at a high bias voltage and recombined through these defect centers in SiO_2 film. The samples of Au / (Si / SiO 2) / p-Si structures were fabricated by using the RF magnetron sputtering technique. Its carrier transport and electroluminescence mechanism were studied from the IV curves and EL spectra by using the Configuration Coordinate as a theoretical model. The result indicates that there are two defect centers in SiO_2 films. The electron in Au and the hole in p-Si went into SiO_2 film by the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling model at a high bias voltage and recombined through these defect centers in SiO_2 film.
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