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市场经济的大潮席卷华夏,一向封闭、半封闭的档案系统也受到了强烈的冲击,档案工作面临着新的机遇与挑战.作为在档案工作过程中起能动作用的因素——档案工作者,如何适应这一经济转型的节奏呢?笔者认为,当务之急是要解放思想,转换脑筋.提高内在素质.具体地讲,应强化以下五种观念.一、公关观念.公共关系是不以人的意志为转移的客观存在任何企业和机关单位要想生存和发展下去,都必须科学地、合理地运用同自己密切相关的各种关系,特别是在改革开放,建立社会主义市场经济体制的今天,任何组织和个人都处在立体社会关系网络的一个纽结上,与上下、左右,前后、四面八方发生立体的联系.更应注意处理好公共关系.档案工作涉及到国家机关、社会组组以及公民活动的各个环节,它同样不是孤立的、封闭的,而是一个多维的、双向的、全方位开放型的管理系统,公共关系也存在于档案工作中,档案工作者只有在头脑中树立起牢固的公关观念.按照公共关系的观点去开展工作,方能促使档案事业迅速发展 The tide of market economy swept through China, has always been closed, semi-closed file system has also been a strong impact, the file is facing new opportunities and challenges. As the archive work in the process of play a dynamic role in the file - how to file workers To adapt to the rhythm of this economic transformation? The author believes that it is imperative to emancipate the mind, change their brains to improve the inherent quality. Specifically, we should strengthen the following five concepts .Public relations concept .Public relations is not the will of the people as The objective existence of the transfer In order to survive and develop, any enterprises and institutions must use all kinds of relations closely related to themselves scientifically and rationally. Especially in the days of reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economic system, any organization And individuals are in a three-dimensional network of social relations on a knot, and up and down, left and right, front and rear, three-dimensional relationship occurred, but should pay attention to dealing with public relations .Framework involves the state organs, social groups and citizen activities Each link, it is also not isolated, closed, but a multi-dimensional, two-way, all-round open Management systems, public relations also exist in the file work, archivists only in the mind to establish a solid concept of public relations. In accordance with the public relations point of view to work in order to promote the rapid development of archives
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