轰动申城的希尔顿饭店的赔偿案日前已由上海市中级人民法院审结。其结论是,改变静安区人民法院的一审判决,确定希尔顿饭店赔偿受害人经济损失人民币6万余元(一审判决的赔偿数额是9万余元)。 此案因顾客在希尔顿饭店喝咖啡时被咖啡厅墙上脱落的有机玻璃画框砸伤而引起,争议的焦点是赔偿额的大小。顾客要求赔偿10余万元;饭店则认为顾客索赔数额不尽合理,难以接受。10万元人民币,对于一个外商投资的五星级宾馆来说是区区小数,而对个人而言则是一笔不小的数字。
Recently, Shanghai Municipality Intermediate People’s Court concluded that the compensation for the Hilton Hotel, which caused a sensation in Shanghai. The conclusion is that the change of Jing’an District People’s Court of First Instance verdict to determine the Hilton Hotel compensation for victims of economic losses of 6,000 yuan (first instance judgment of the amount of compensation is 90,000 yuan). The case was caused when the customer was hit by a plexiglass frame that fell off the wall of a cafe when he was drinking coffee in a Hilton restaurant. The focus of the controversy was the size of the compensation. Customers claim more than 10 million compensation; restaurants that customers claim the amount of unreasonable, unacceptable. 100,000 yuan for a five-star foreign-invested hotel is a decimal fraction, but for individuals is not a small figure.