Chain stores? Community stores? What are their advantages and disadvantages? High efficiency or proximity? Or service more intimate? Understand the flow of high-value groups in order to identify who is the biggest competitor 4S shop sales growth slowed down after the loss of after-sale users The further growth of the proportion of 4S stores undoubtedly caused a greater threat to revenue. According to our monitoring data, the mean value of after-sale wastage rates in the auto industry in 2014 has already reached as high as 30%. The wastage rate of users in many manufacturers is constantly increasing, and the annual loss rate of wastage growth is about 3%. Why is there such a situation? On the one hand, in the past 4S shop profit model is based on sales, and after-sales will be more focus on the technical level, the management, marketing, service level are relatively lagging behind. With the market development, the original after-sales model 4S shop