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1.自我认识与评价。这是我们对自身,对自己的所作所为的看法、观点和态度。一个健康正常的人对自己的看法和评价是现实、客观、明确和完整的,即积极的。他能把承认自己的优缺点和局限性作为提高和完善的起点。2.自立自强。人格的正常发展是从幼儿时期的依靠他人到青年和成年时期的独立自主。一个人在幼儿时期要依靠大人的帮助和照顾,随着时间的推移,这种依赖性日益减少,他学会独立自主地思考、评价和行动。3.自我发展。很多人将自我发展视为健康心理的本质,认为健康肌体的一个基本动力是争取发展、开发和更新其潜能的冲动,实现自我价值的冲动。一个人能否成功地发展其潜能,取决于促进这种发展的有利条件和阻碍这种发展的不利条件。4.协调。这个特征是指人格的统一和连贯一致,指自我和谐和没有强烈的心理冲突。根据这一特征,心理健康的程度取决于以下几点:将各种动力协调起来;根据价值目标和生活意义来组织自己的生活;克制紧张和焦虑情绪,不要使之影响心理平衡,即对挫折有高度的宽容心。5.人格的社会协调性。指建立健康积极的人际关系的能力,它取决于以下几点:发挥了社会规定的各种作用;个人的主要需求得到满足;对别人持积极的态度,富有同情心;能与人合作。 1. Self-awareness and evaluation. This is our perception of, opinion of and attitude toward ourselves and our actions. A healthy and normal person’s own views and comments are realistic, objective, clear and complete, that is, positive. He can recognize his strengths and weaknesses and limitations as a starting point for improvement and improvement. 2 self-reliance The normal development of personality is the independence from childhood to adolescence and adulthood from childhood. As a child relies on the help and care of adults during early childhood, this dependency diminishes over time, and he learns to think, evaluate, and act independently. 3. Self-development. Many people regard self-development as the essence of healthy psychology. They think that one of the basic motivation of a healthy body is the urge to develop, develop and update its potential and realize the impulse of self-worth. The success of a person in developing his or her potential depends on the enabling conditions for such development and on the adverse conditions that impede such development. Coordination. This feature refers to the unity and consistency of personality, refers to self-harmony and no strong psychological conflict. According to this characteristic, the degree of mental health depends on the following points: the coordination of various motivations; the organization of one’s own life according to the value goal and the meaning of life; the suppression of tension and anxiety, not to affect the psychological balance, that is, frustration Have a high tolerance heart. 5. Personality and social coordination. It refers to the ability to establish a healthy and positive relationship with others. It depends on the following points: the various roles played by social rules have been fulfilled; the main needs of individuals have been met; others have a positive attitude and compassion; and people can cooperate with others.
近 年来,在圣 洁的中 小学校 园里 ,发生 了一系 列 杂 ,但 有 一 点 则 是 共 同 的 :施 暴 者 都 有 一 定 的 心 理 令人难以置信的事情:许多孩
当春天第一朵玫瑰盛开的时候,沐浴在爱河的GGMM们要迎来最最重要的节日——情人节了。2009,拒绝常规,过个与众不同的情人节! When the first rose in spring is in full blo