Experimental Study of Effect of Perfluorohexyloctane to Retina

来源 :眼科学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Janette
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Objective : To investigate the effect of perfluorohexyloctane to the retina of rabbit eyes. Methods: Perfluoroh-exyloctane (experimental group) or BSS(control group) into vitreous cavities of fifteen vitrectomized New Zealand white rabbits. A slit-lamp biomicroscope and an indirect ophthalmoscope were used to examine all the eyes pre- and postoperation. Histopathological examination was performed after the rabbits were sacrificed.Results: Perfluorohexyloctane was injected into the vitreous cavity forming a single large clear globe. No retinal detachment and cataract were found. The edema of outer plexiform layer was significant, and then get thin, inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell bodies had a darker cytoplasm and nucleoplasm.Conclusions: Perfluorohexyloctane in vitreous cavity had significant side effects on retina. As a silicone solvent, it should be removed out completely after injection. We don’t recommend to use it as a new intraocular temponade. Objective: To investigate the effect of perfluorohexyloctane to the retina of rabbit eyes. Methods: Perfluoroh-exyloctane (experimental group) or BSS (control group) into vitreous cavities of fifteen vitrectomized New Zealand white rabbits. A slit-lamp biomicroscope and an indirect ophthalmoscope were used to examine all the eyes pre- and postoperation. Histopathological examination was performed after the rabbits were sacrificed. Results: Perfluorohexyloctane was injected into the vitreous cavity forming a single large clear globe. No retinal detachment and cataract were found. The edema of outer plexiform layer was significant, and then get thin, inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell bodies had a darker cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Conclusions: Perfluorohexyloctane in vitreous cavity had significant side effects on retina. As a silicone solvent, it should be removed out completely after injection We do not recommend to use it as a new intraocular temponade.
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