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利用有害或致命的化学或生物介质作为武器的生化战争,对世界和平正构成越来越严重的威胁。这些生化介质可以杀死许多人,被认为是大规模杀伤性武器。化学武器是由有毒的化合物制成的,而生物武器则是活体微生物。生化武器可以通过几种途径造成伤害。多数是吸入后造成伤害或死亡,有些是通过皮肤接触或摄取被污染的食品造成伤害。生化攻击通常是将生化介质释放到空气中。这可以通过多种途径实施,比如发射炮弹在空中爆炸,或者在一个区域用飞机散播生化介质。如果在室外施放,这类生化武器会受到气候条件的影响。降雨会减弱生化介质的威力,风会在预想不到的方向散播生化介质。由于生化介质被认为是随意的、危险的、特别残忍的武器,所以很少被人使用。在20世纪,化学物质在第一次世界大战 Biological and chemical warfare that uses harmful or deadly chemical or biological media as weapons poses an increasingly serious threat to world peace. These biochemical media can kill many people and are considered weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons are made from toxic compounds, while biological weapons are living microorganisms. Biological weapons can cause harm in several ways. Most of them cause injuries or death after inhalation, and some of them cause harm through skin contact or ingestion of contaminated food. Biochemical attacks usually release biochemical media into the air. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as launching artillery shells to explode in the air, or using aircraft to broadcast biochemical media in an area. If applied outdoors, such chemical and biological weapons can be affected by climatic conditions. Rainfall will weaken the power of biochemical media, and the wind will spread biochemical media in unexpected directions. Because biochemical media are considered as arbitrary, dangerous, and particularly cruel weapons, they are rarely used. In the 20th century, chemicals in the First World War
美国2003年出品Director导演:Tom Shadyac汤姆·沙迪亚克Main cast主要演员:Jim Carrey吉姆·卡里(as BruceNolan饰布鲁斯·诺兰);JenniferAniston詹尼弗·安尼斯顿(as Grac
产品介绍:  可编程多功能电子定时器 ,是一个以微电脑芯片为核心配合电子电路等组成一个电源开关控制装置。它可预设定每天或一周内 20 次不同时间的开 / 关控制,还具有任意循环定时功能、键盘锁定、夏时制和 12/24 小时制转换功能。本机内置一枚可充电镍氢电池作为备用电源,在脱离电源的情况下,仍可保持计时显示和储存的各项数据达 9 个月以上。   本产品能根据用户所设定的时间,自动打开和关闭各种用
One evening I drove my husband’s car to the shopping mall.On my return, I noticed that how dusty the outside of his car was and cleaned it up a bit. When I fi
1.Dialogue交通警官:早上好,女士。Jiaotong jingguan:Zaoshang hao,nushi.Traffic police officer:Good morning, madam.琳达:早上好。Linda:Zaoshang hao.Linda:Good morn
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