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7月28日,本刊和上海市政协经济委员会、上海市产权交易管理办公室共同主办了“推进上海产权基础设施建设” 研讨会。来自境内外的专家学者、官员和市场人士共100多人参加了研讨会。本次研讨会的主题是,探讨从体制、机制上建立、健全支撑产权正常流动的基础体系,健全产权基础设施,以更好推进国资国企改革,保障社会各类产权,尤其是国有产权的安全、高效和顺畅流通,有效促进社会主义市场经济体制建设。与会人士围绕这一主题展开了热烈的研讨,并达成共识:产权基础设施的建设是公司治理与产权市场发展的基石。在一个法律管辖区内,产权基础设施包括众多的子系统,用于界定、注册、交换及保护区内的产权。如果其中任何一个环节出现问题,产权流动就很难有效运行;如果某一个子系统不能正常运作,整个产权基础设施的效率就会大大降低。上海市政协经济委员会主任陈祥麟主持了本次研讨会。以下是本刊整理的与会嘉宾的精彩发言。 On July 28, this magazine and Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPPCC Economic Committee, Shanghai Equity Exchange Management Office co-sponsored “to promote the Shanghai property rights infrastructure ” seminar. More than 100 experts and scholars, officials and market participants from home and abroad attended the seminar. The theme of this symposium is to explore the establishment of a sound system and mechanism and to improve the basic system of supporting the normal flow of property rights so as to perfect the infrastructure of property rights in order to better promote the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and safeguard the social property rights, especially the security of state-owned property rights Efficient and smooth circulation, and effectively promote the socialist market economic system. Participants around the theme launched a heated discussion and reached a consensus: the construction of property rights infrastructure is the cornerstone of corporate governance and property rights market. Within a legal jurisdiction, the property rights infrastructure includes numerous subsystems for defining, registering, exchanging and protecting property in the area. If any one of these problems, the flow of property is difficult to operate effectively; if a subsystem does not work properly, the efficiency of the entire property infrastructure will be greatly reduced. Chen Xianglin, director of the Economic Committee of Shanghai’s CPPCC, presided over this seminar. The following is an excellent speech delivered by our guests.
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