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澧县脱水菜一厂位于澧县澧西乡境内,拥有生产脱水菜、盐渍菜的现代化大型机械设施,年生产能力达2000吨以上,主要产品有脱水菜、盐渍菜、泡菜、酱菜、八宝菜等四大系列十六个品种,前景十分喜人。该厂于1980年创建,建厂后很长一段时间由于资金不足,加上管理跟不上,技术人员缺乏,生产规模小等多方面原因,一直处于时打时停的局面,到1991年底已濒临倒闭。为挽 The Jingxian Dehydrated Vegetable No.1 Factory is located in the Luanxi County of Jingxian County. It has modern large-scale mechanical facilities for the production of dehydrated vegetables and salted vegetables. The annual production capacity is over 2,000 tons. The main products are dehydrated vegetables, salted vegetables, pickles, and pickles. There are four major series of 16 varieties such as Babao and the prospects are very gratifying. The factory was founded in 1980. After a long time of construction, due to lack of funds, coupled with lack of management, lack of technicians, and small scale of production, the plant has been in a situation of stopping at the time of fighting. By the end of 1991, it had been It is on the verge of collapse. For the pull
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富江公司是一家以经营国外先进仪器,防 X 光射线产品,消耗性介入放射诊疗产品为主的机构,其独家经销,经销范围如下:-独家经销德国夏利(HANEL)公司-MAVIC 铅衣,铅围裙,铅围脖
THE Chinese Government will speedup and improve reform and techno-logical renovation in the industrial sec-tor to enhance competitiveness inState--owned enterp
《2015年度英国严重及有组织犯罪战略评估报告》(National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organized Crime,以下简称《2015年评估报告》)是英国国家犯罪调查局自2013
CHINA realized a total industrial outputvalue of 146.2 billion yuan(USD17.6 billion)in July,up 13.6 per centyear—on—year according to figuresfrom the State S