Spring Tea Picking up

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  Wang Zhiying, a 37-year-old tea farmer, picks white tea in Zixi County, central China’s Jiangxi Province.
  The county is now harvesting its 32,000 mu (2,133 hectare) of white tea, which has been an economic boon to the povertystricken area.

   Consumer Prices Up
  Due to rising food prices during the Spring Festival holiday (February 9-15), China’s annual consumer inflation rate rebounded to a 10-month high of 3.2 percent in February, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).
  CPI rose 1.1 percent in February, according to the NBS.
  Food prices, which account for nearly one third of the weighting in China’s CPI, remained a key driver of inflation in February, as the Spring Festival pushed up demand. Food prices jumped 6 percent in February, pushing the CPI up by 1.98 percentage points.
  Considering the holiday effect and the increase of fuel prices in February, the rebound is largely in line with market expectations. However, the upward trend is unlikely to continue as the holiday effect fades and warmer weather starts to bolster food supplies, said Yu Qiumei, a statistician with the NBS, suggesting CPI growth will ease in March.

  February’s producer price index(PPI), which measures inflation at the wholesale level, fell 1.6 percent year on year, said the NBS. The drop marked the 12th straight month of decline after the PPI dropped in March 2012 for the first time since December 2009. On a monthly basis, the PPI gained 0.2 percent, the NBS data showed.
   Helping Small Firms
  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on March 8 unveiled a detailed plan to support the country’s small and micro-sized enterprises, a sector that continues to face operation challenges.
  Small and micro-sized companies have faced great operating pressures and rising costs, the plan notes.
  It aims to promote the growth quality and efficiency of those enterprises by providing better public services, further improving financing services and alleviating their operating burdens.
  The country will support more than 500 financing firms to help small enterprises get financing this year, according to the plan.
  China will also provide training for 500,000 management personnel and 1,000 business leaders.
  Small and micro-sized firms in China serve as a significant channel for creating jobs and spurring entrepreneurship.    Coalbed Gas Boost
  China will earmark more funds to further exploit its coalbed methane reserves amid increased efforts to step up new energy exploration.
  The Chinese Government will allocate more money from the central budget to encourage the inflow of private capital for this emerging energy sector, according to an industrial policy outline released online by the National Energy Administration on March 11.
  Preferential measures include more financing for enterprises and improving gas pricing mechanisms.
  China plans to complete the construction of two major production bases in the central and western regions in 2015, and increase the number from three to five in the next five to 10 years.
  The Ministry of Land and Resources said previously that the country aims to produce 16 billion cubic meters of coalbed methane and put 7.4 billion cubic meters into use in 2013.
  China’s coalbed methane reserves are estimated at 36.8 trillion cubic meters, the third largest in the world after Russia and Canada.
   30 Under 30
  Forbes China, the Chinese language edition of Forbes magazine, has unveiled its second 30 Under 30 list of top Chinese entrepreneurs under the age of 30. The list shows that hi-tech start-ups dominate the ambitions of the country’s future tycoons.
  This year’s members include founders of businesses involved in everything from online advertising to Internet companies, with eight of the 30 entrepreneurs involved in Internet companies.
  The southern business hub of Shenzhen is home to the most young entrepreneurs, with the city’s vibrant atmosphere and entrepreneurial spirit seen as the perfect breeding ground for the next generation of business leaders.
  The average age of the entrepreneurs is 27, with one third on the threshold of turning 30 next year, meaning more new faces are likely in next year’s survey.

   Largest Duty-Free
  A massive commercial complex is being constructed in Sanya, a resort city in south China’s tourist island province of Hainan, to house the world’s largest duty-free shop.
  The Sanya Haitang Bay International Shopping Mall project is expected to begin trial operations in 2014, said Chen Guoqiang, Assistant General Manager of the China Duty Free Group, the operator of the project.
  Construction began on the 70,000-square-meter shopping mall project in April 2012. Chen said the project will combine the duty-free shop with other services, such as hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues, with the aim of creating a top international luxury consumption and experience center.
   Open Kitchen

  Chefs work in a transparent kitchen of the Green Grassland Restaurant in Changsha, capital of central China’s Hunan Province.
  The restaurant opened up the kitchen for public observation to help satisfy food safety concerns.
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