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我是成功的,因为我有来自父亲的掌声。——题记父亲平常对我很严厉,但又不时地鼓励我。就像咖啡,苦涩中带着清香,又似杨梅,酸味中透着甘甜。小提琴是我从小就开始学习的一门技艺。苦练了这么久,终于等到了机会——全国青少年文艺比赛!我兴奋地把我要参赛的想法告诉了父亲,他经过仔细考虑后,问我:“这次比赛的选手都很有实力,你真的要参赛吗?”我听了,说:“比赛成绩并不十分重要。只要我努力过了,表现过了,我也就满足了。”父亲听完后,嘴角露出了笑容,一阵掌声在我 I am successful, because I have applause from my father. - Inscription Father usually very harsh on me, but from time to time to encourage me. Like coffee, bitter with a fragrance, like bayberry, sour sweet. Violin is a skill I learned from an early age. Hard practiced for so long, and finally wait for the opportunity - the national youth literary contest! I excitedly told me to participate in the idea of ​​his father, after careful consideration he asked me: “The players are very powerful Do you really want to enter the competition? ”“ I listened and said: ”The result of the competition is not very important. As long as I worked hard, I have fulfilled the performance.“ ”After my father listened, my mouth was exposed A smile, a round of applause in me
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