
来源 :机电兵船档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WUBING999
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设备仪器档案是指设备仪器在订购、设计、安装、调试、验收、使用、维修和改造过程中形成的,具有保存利用价值的文字、图表、声像等不同形式的文件材料。我们只有管好用好设备仪器档案,保证设备仪器的正常工作,才能发挥其在科研、生产中的作用。一、设备仪器档案是设备仪器管理工作的基础一个单位设备仪器档案管理的好与坏,直接关系到该单位设备仪器管理工作的好与坏,设备仪器档案管理无章,就会影响设备仪器的正常运行。二、设备仪器档案是设备仪器验收的依据一台设备仪器安装完毕后,是否符合要求?能否使用?这些都要以设备仪器档案为依据,严格按照设备仪器档案中的有关标准进行验收。 Equipment Instrument refers to the equipment and instruments in the order, design, installation, commissioning, acceptance, use, repair and transformation process formed with the preservation of the value of the use of text, graphics, audio and video and other different forms of documents and materials. Only by properly managing the equipment and equipment files and ensuring the normal operation of the equipment and instruments can we play its role in scientific research and production. First, the equipment and equipment files is the basis of equipment and instruments management A unit of equipment and equipment file management is good or bad, directly related to the unit equipment and equipment management work is good and bad, equipment, equipment, file management without rules, it will affect the equipment and instruments normal operation. Second, equipment, equipment, equipment is the basis for acceptance of equipment, instruments, equipment, equipment installation is completed, whether it meets the requirements? Can use? These should be based on equipment and instruments files, in strict accordance with the equipment and equipment files in the relevant standards for acceptance.
A thief went into a garden,picked a lot of fruit,and put all into hispockets. Suddenly the owner appeared,caught the thief and asked,“Why areyou in my garden?
在英语句子中,往往一词之差,而意义迥然不同。你能译好下面的句子吗? 1.He is not a bit better. 2.He is not a little better. 3.She showed him the door. In English s