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甘肃历史悠久,是中华民族和中国古代文化的发祥地之一。历史上,繁荣昌盛的丝绸之路曾使甘肃的经济文化载誉国内外。作为省会所在地的兰州市,南北两山环抱,黄河从市中心流过,有许多名胜古迹和游览胜地。位于市中心南北两山山麓的五泉山、白塔山公园,风景优美,独具风格。兰州也是我国古老的城市之一。汉为金城郡,隋为兰州治,清为兰州府治。黄河文化、古丝绸之路文化以及民俗文化,在发展我国人民与亚、非、欧各国人民的友好往来中,发挥了重要作用。文物古迹多,是兰州成为新兴旅游胜地的一大优势。几千年的历史文化积淀,形成了兰州这块土地特有的、不可替代的人文资源优势,作为甘肃省政治、经济、文化的中心,它展现着泾、渭河谷地带出现的华夏农业—— Gansu has a long history and is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation and the ancient Chinese culture. Historically, the prosperous Silk Road has made Gansu’s economy and culture home and abroad. As the capital city of Lanzhou, surrounded by two mountains, the Yellow River flows from the city center and has many places of interest and tourist attractions. Located in the foothills of the north and south mountains downtown Wutong Mountain, Baita Mountain Park, beautiful scenery and unique style. Lanzhou is also one of the oldest cities in our country. Han Jincheng County, Sui Lanzhou governance, Qing government for the Lanzhou. The Yellow River culture, the ancient Silk Road culture and folk culture have played an important role in the development of the friendly exchanges between our people and the peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. There are many cultural relics and historic sites, making Lanzhou one of the emerging tourist attractions. The accumulation of thousands of years of history and culture has formed the unique and irreplaceable advantage of human resources in this land of Lanzhou. As the center of politics, economy and culture of Gansu Province, it shows the emergence of Huaxia Agriculture in the Jing and Weihe valleys -
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宋律师:您好! 我儿子今年上初二,前段时间有一天上体育课时,他私自跑到其他班级同学的训练场地上玩耍,他的体育老师发现后非常生气,追过去用手拽住我儿子的衣服领子推搡,并当
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