Early prediction of major depression in chronic hepatitis C patients during peg-interferon α-2b trea

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robert610
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AIM: To study the predictive value of the vegetative- depressive symptoms of the Zung Depression Rating Scale for the occurrence of depression during treatment with peg-interferon α-2b of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. METHODS: The predictive value of vegetative- depressive symptoms at 4 wk of treatment for the occurrence of a subsequent diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) was studied in CHC patients infected after substance use in a prospective, multi- center treatment trial in Belgium. The presence of vegetative-depressive symptoms was assessed using the Zung Scale before and 4 wk after the start of antiviral treatment. RESULTS: Out of 49 eligible patients, 19 (39%) developed MDD. The area under the ROC curve of the vegetative Zung subscale was 0.73, P = 0.004. The sensitivity at a cut-point of > 15/35 was 95% (95% CI: 74-100). The positive predictive value equalled 44% (95% CI: 29-60). CONCLUSION: In this group of Belgian CHC patients infected after substance use, antiviral treatment caused a considerable risk of depression. Seven vegetativedepressive symptoms of the Zung scale at wk 4 of treatment predicted 95% of all emerging depressions, at a price of 56% false positive test results. AIM: To study the predictive value of the vegetative-depressive symptoms of the Zung Depression Rating Scale for the occurrence of depression during treatment with peg-interferon alpha-2b of chronic hepatitis C patients. METHODS: The predictive value of vegetative- depressive symptoms at 4 wk of treatment for the occurrence of a subsequent diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) was studied in CHC patients infected after substance use in a prospective, multi- center treatment trial in Belgium. The presence of vegetative-depressive symptoms was RESULTS using the Zung Scale before and 4 wk after the start of antiviral treatment. RESULTS: Out of 49 eligible patients, 19 (39%) developed MDD. The area under the ROC curve of the vegetative Zung subscale was 0.73, P = 0.004. The sensitivity at a cut-point of> 15/35 was 95% (95% CI: 74-100). The positive predictive value equalled 44% (95% CI: 29-60). CONCLUSION: In this group of Belgian CHC patients infected after substance use, ant iv vegetabilization caused a substantial risk of depression. Seven vegetativedepressive symptoms of the Zung scale at wk 4 of treatment predicted 95% of all emerging depressions, at a price of 56% false positive test results.
病历摘要患者女性,82岁。冈午后低热伴咳嗽、间断右侧胸痛15 d 于2005年2月12日入院。患者发病以来尤咳痰及咯血,既往体健,否认结核及其他病史。入院查体:双肺呼吸音粗,未闻
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我总是好脸红,越是怕脸红就越是脸红。 “嗨,凯特,你的脸红了!” 我紧张起来。 “凯特,你脸红了!你紧张什么呀?” I always blush, the more blush the more blushing.
男 子不育症给许多家庭带来 了烦恼。患这种病除了一部分人是由于身体患有某些疾病之外,有些人找不出是什么原因。在那些所谓“没病”的人背后,常常隐藏着许多心理因素,与男
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