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唐局长的司机因病住院,严重影响了局长的工作和生活,经过局长再三努力,上级给局里增加了一个在编司机名额。此消息一出,应聘者如云,托关系找路子的比比皆是。我严格按局长指示,不搞任人唯亲,实行公开招聘,很快便从众多应聘者中选定三人:老赵,四十来岁,二十年驾龄;小王,长得一表人才;小康,退伍军人,精明利索。当我把三人的资料交给局长定夺时,局长却瞅我一眼说:“你这办公室主任,是不是有性别歧视?没听说女人开车心细,遇事不易冲动,行车安全系数高!”我恍然大悟:原来局长是想找名女司机呀! Secretary Tang’s driver, who was hospitalized due to illness, seriously affected the work and life of the Secretary. After repeated efforts by the Secretary, his superiors added a quota for drivers to the bureau. The news came out, candidates like the cloud, care relationships find ways abound. In strict accordance with the direction of the director, I did not engage in cronyism and conducted open recruitment. Soon I selected three candidates from a large number of applicants: Lao Zhao, aged 40 and over 20 years of driving experience; Xiao Wang, a man of talent; well-off and veteran Soldiers, smart and agile. When I handed over the information of the three men to the Secretary for Confirmation, the Secretary looked at me and said: “You director of this office is not discriminated sex? Did not hear a woman driving a car carefully, the accident is not easy to impulse, driving safety factor is high! ”I suddenly realized: the original Secretary is looking for a female driver ah!
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