在第47届世界乒乓球赛锦标赛团体比赛中,国际乒联首次采用佩寄制。新赛制带来的新变化是显而易见的,同时新赛制的不完善之处也需要改进。 就竞争激烈的男子乒坛而言,世乒赛团体赛的比赛方式在20世纪90年代进行了两次比较大的改动。第一次是在1991年第41届世乒赛上,当时改变赛制的主导思想是每场比赛的时间太长,因此男团比赛由9盘5胜制改为5盘3胜制,第一主力打两场单打,另外两人各打一盘单打,再合作进行双打。也就是说,每场比赛共6人次,三名选手每人出场两次。
In the 47th World Table Tennis Championships team competition, ITTF first use of Pei-mail system. The new changes brought by the new system are obvious, and the imperfections of the new system also need to be improved. For the highly competitive men’s ping-pong, the World Table Tennis Championships team competitions made two major changes in the 1990s. The first time was at the 41st World Table Tennis Championships in 1991, when the dominant idea of changing the competition system was that each match took too long. Therefore, the men’s team competition was changed from 9-for-5 to 5-for-3-for-third. The main play two singles, the other two each play a singles, and then cooperation doubles. That is, there are 6 events per game and three players each play twice.