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1.用微分电容法研究了—7非离子型表面活性物质在汞电极上的吸附行为,结果表明这类活性物质在电极表面上的吸附规律是比较复杂的。当—7浓度很低,以致电极表面上活性分了的复盖度θ<1时,吸附层的结构与电极电势无关,这时很可能整个分子均吸附在界面上。若活性分子浓度较高,则随着电势的不同可以出现两种具有不同结构的吸附层:在零电荷电势附近主要是活性分子的憎水部分吸附在界面上,而在表面负电荷密度增大时转变为主要是亲水部分吸附在表面上。2.根据活性分子中不同部分的吸附功随电势的变化解释了在不同电势下出现具有不同结构吸附层的原因。3.根据所提出的吸附模型推测了这类活性物质在电化学体系中的应用可能性,并与现有实验结果进行了比较。 The adsorption behavior of -7 nonionic surfactant on mercury electrode was studied by differential capacitance method. The results showed that the adsorption of these active materials on the electrode surface was quite complicated. When the concentration of -7 is so low that the active fractional coverage θ <1 on the electrode surface, the structure of the adsorbed layer is independent of the electrode potential, and it is likely that the entire molecule is adsorbed at the interface. If the concentration of active molecules is high, two adsorption layers with different structures may appear with different potentials: the hydrophobic part mainly in the vicinity of the zero charge potential adsorbs at the interface, while the surface negative charge density increases When it turns into mainly hydrophilic part adsorbed on the surface. 2. According to the different parts of the active molecules in the work with the potential changes in the potential explained at different potentials appear to have different structural adsorption layer reasons. According to the proposed adsorption model, the possibility of application of these active materials in electrochemical system is deduced and compared with the existing experimental results.
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