密叶杨 胡杨杂交种选育及抗盐试验研究初报

来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rdx200901as
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【目的】通过密叶杨(Polulus talassicaKom.)×胡杨(Populus euphraticaOliv)授粉杂交选育,选育出生长快、抗性强、无性繁殖能力高的优良杂交树种。【方法】采集密叶杨、胡杨枝条,在室内经水培,开花后采集花粉进行人工杂交。【结果】经授粉杂交获得杂交种子,种粒形状呈卵圆形和长圆形。对杂交种子分别播种育苗后,观察到卵圆形种子实生苗表现出父母本共同形态特征(中间型F1代),长圆形种子实生苗表现出母本密叶杨型形态特征(极端型F1代)。对两种F1代苗木进行耐盐试验,表现出密×胡的F1代耐盐性较母本明显提高,无性繁殖能力较父本明显提高,F1代年生长量均超过父本和母本。【结论】经20余年的胡杨杂交、良种选育、对比试验研究及良种推广,取得了理想效果。 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to breed elite hybrids with high growth rate, strong resistance and high asexual reproduction through pollination and hybridization of Populus euphratica Oliv and Populus tomentosa × Populus euphratica Oliv. 【Method】 Populus euphratica and Populus euphratica branches were collected and hydroponically cultured indoors. After pollination, pollen was collected for artificial hybridization. 【Result】 Hybrid seeds were obtained by pollination and hybridization. The shape of the seeds was oval and oblong. After sowing seedlings of hybrid seeds respectively, it was observed that the oval seedling showed the common morphological characteristics of the parents (intermediate type F1) and the oval seedling showed the morphological characteristics of the female poplar (extreme F1 generation). The salt tolerance test of two F1 seedlings showed that the salt tolerance of the F1 generation with close tolerance was significantly higher than that of the female parent, the reproductive capacity of the F1 was significantly higher than that of the male parent, and the annual growth of the F1 generation exceeded that of the male parent and the female parent. 【Conclusion】 After more than 20 years of poplar hybridization, breeding of elite, comparative experimental research and promotion of elite varieties, the results were satisfactory.
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