Yoga exercises on parasympathetic nerves: lowering blood pressure, lowering heart rate, and promoting relaxation. However, what are the mechanisms to stop the disease and restore health through various postures of yoga? Iyengar said: “In a few words, to answer this question Is not easy because the mechanics of yoga are based on sitting and pathology. ”In short, it benefits all kinds of illnesses - from diabetes to asthma, from high blood pressure to depression - Mental and nervous conditions are the root cause of illness. The present era inevitably has a by-product, a state of tension, and mechanization continues to increase. Iyinga replied: “In a sense, the human body is also a mechanical, and the activities of the machine (tension or relaxation ) Even more sensitive is the role of the mind. ”In the case of heart attack and coronary problems, Western physiology also agrees that coronary block is due to the constant volume of blood available to the heart