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12秒91,让刘翔在雅典奥运会赛场上为中国夺得一枚宝贵的奥运会田径金牌, 这不仅是中国人的骄傲,更是中国在世界田径界的里程碑。从刘翔起飞的那一刻开始,整个华夏大地为之沸腾。110米栏属于短跨项目,由于短跨是强度较大的运动,被认为是接近了人类连续工作中工作强度的极限,所以也称为极限强度运动。短跨项目需要在短时间内消耗极大的能量,只有动用全部无氧供能系统才能满足项目对能量的需求。但是,无氧能源容量很小,很快耗竭,加之大脑皮层在极度紧张状态中呈高度兴奋,容易造成运动员的迅速疲劳。短跨项目因几乎全部为无氧供能,所以氧债或运动后过量氧耗十分巨大,以致呼吸、循环机能在运动后的变化也非常显著。心率可达每分160-200次;血压收缩压上升到20-24千帕(150-180毫米汞柱),舒张压下降到1.3-2.7千帕(10- 20毫米汞柱),有的甚至降到零;呼吸频率达每分30-40次,通气量达70-80 升;心输出量达15-18升,以上变化约需要30-40分钟才能基本恢复到安静时水平。 12 seconds 91, so that Liu Xiang won the Olympic gold medal for China in the Athens Olympic Games track, which is not only the pride of the Chinese people, but also a milestone in China’s track and field world. From the moment when Liu Xiang took off, the entire Chinese land boiled. The 110-meter hurdle is a short-span project. It is considered to be an extreme intensity exercise due to the fact that a short span is a sport of greater intensity and is considered to be close to the limit of work intensity in continuous work of mankind. Short-span projects need to consume a great deal of energy in a short period of time, and only use all anaerobic systems to meet the energy needs of the project. However, anaerobic energy capacity is very small, quickly depleted, in addition to the cerebral cortex in a state of extreme tension was highly excited, likely to cause rapid fatigue of athletes. Short-span projects due to almost all of the oxygen-free energy, so the oxygen debt or excessive oxygen consumption after exercise is very large, so that breathing, circulatory changes after exercise is also very significant. Heart rate up to 160-200 points per minute; systolic blood pressure rose to 20-24 kPa (150-180 mm Hg), diastolic blood pressure dropped to 1.3-2.7 kPa (10-20 mm Hg), and some even Down to zero; breathing frequency of up to 30-40 times per minute, ventilation volume of 70-80 liters; cardiac output of 15-18 liters, the above changes take about 30-40 minutes to basically restore the level of quiet time.
2.电子点火系统(装置) 从上述的传统点火系统(装置)的电路结构特点来看,它是靠断电器的触点(机械触点)来控制点火线圈初级电路通/断的一种点火装置,因此,存在如下缺点:①触
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CX5130GXFPM50ZD型等四种消防车和P系列消防炮通过鉴定根据公安部1997年科学技术研究计划的要求,公安部长春消防器材总厂于1997年7月试制完成国内先进的解放平头CX5130GXFPM50ZD型泡沫消防车、CX5130GXFSG50ZD型... CX5130GXFPM50ZD a
报告黄斑部视网膜下猪囊尾蚴1例,本病眼底可见含有囊尾蚴之球形囊样体,有蠕动。手术取巩膜“(?)”形、脉络膜斜形切开,完整取出囊虫,治愈。 Report 1 case of macular subre