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采访对象:PeKing House 项目经理马宏君市场点评:按照现有规划来看,CBD 实际上由两块组成:一个以国贸为核心,由大连万达、金地等开发的高档公寓和写字楼,属于商业聚集区;另一个就是西大望路周边区域,从整体上来看它已经成为 CBD 的“国际化住宅区”。西大望路具有邻近 CBD 的天然优势,良好的市政配套,以及有利于发展的市政规划。今年3月,西大望路改扩建工程已经正式动工,这是北京唯一一条连接东三环与东四环的南北向主干道,其直接利好是 Interviewee: Ma Hongjun, Project Manager of PeKing House Market Comment: According to the existing plan, the CBD is actually composed of two blocks: a high-end apartment and office building with the core of ITC, developed by Dalian Wanda and Golden Ground, and is a commercial gathering area; The other is the area around West Dawang Road. As a whole, it has become CBD’s “international residential area”. West Dawang Road has the natural advantages of being close to the CBD, good municipal facilities, and municipal planning for development. In March this year, the West Great Hope Road reconstruction project has been officially started, which is the only one in Beijing to connect the East Third Ring Road and East Fourth Ring north-south trunk roads, the direct positive is