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今年新年伊始,在中国国防科工委举行的新闻发布会上,发言人在回答记者提问时首次明确表示“中国具备制造航空母舰的能力”。记者为何在这个时候抛出这样一个问题?仔细打探后方知,此事全因近来美国一些反华分子的恶意炒作。而他们中嗓门最大的就是理查德·费舍尔。近几年,此人接连不断地拿中国的军事实力说事儿,尽管他的论据大多是道听途说,离谱得了得,但他的论调在美国仍大有市场,这就不能不引起我们的注意和警觉。 At the beginning of this year’s New Year, at a press conference held by China’s National Defense Commission, the spokesman said for the first time in answering a reporter’s question that “China has the capability to make an aircraft carrier.” Why did the reporter dismiss such a question at this time? After careful inquiry into the matter, the incident was entirely due to the vicious speculation of some anti-China elements in the United States recently. The biggest voice among them is Richard Fisher. In recent years, he has said in succession the strength of China’s military power. Although his arguments are mostly hearsay and outrageous, his argument is still huge in the United States, which can not but draw our attention and vigilance.
近日,据韩国《朝鲜日报》等各大报纸报道,美国中央情报局在其官方网站的《世界概况(World Factbook)》栏目中,公布了2005年世界各国军费开支排名情况。这个排名表显示,2005年
On 10 April 2008,the Judicial Workshop on Hot Issues in IP-related Civil Litigation was successfully held by the Chi- na Intellectual Property Training Centre a
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近年来,在高检院的正确领导下,河南省院始终坚持以规范化建设为基础、以改革创新为动力、以有效发挥办事机构作用为切入点,有力促进检察委员会工作健康持续发展。 In recent
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坚定信仰,实现理想,党员退休不退党。  党习党章,挺起胸膛,党员本色斗志昂。  发挥余热,一如既往,秉承宗旨著华章。  爱国爱党,价值取向,带头释放正能量。  建成小康,美丽中国,伟大民族铸辉煌。  天下为公,创先争优,奋斗终身永不忘。  和平发展,號角吹响,造福人类共分享。  时代前进,环球同窗,和谐世界放光芒。