适应新形势 进一步提高医疗保健水平

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改革开放的新形势,给军队院校直属门诊部的工作注入了生机活力,同时也对加强管理,提高医疗保健质量,实现“保障有力”提出了新的要求。医疗卫生改革的不断深化及医学服务模式的转变又使军队院校直属校门诊部面临许多新的情况和考验。笔者认为,在新的形势下,必须坚持为部队服务的根本职能,从门诊部现状出发,采取切实可行的有效措施,强化管理,提高素质,适应发展,增强活力,使军队院校直属门诊部的医疗保健工作达到一个新的水平。 The new situation of reform and opening up has injected vitality into the work of the directly-affiliated clinics of military academies. At the same time, it also puts forward new requirements for strengthening management, improving the quality of medical care, and realizing the “safeguarding force”. The continuous deepening of medical and health reforms and the transformation of medical service models have also exposed many new situations and tests to the outpatient departments of military colleges and directly subordinate schools. The author believes that in the new situation, we must adhere to the fundamental function of serving the army, proceed from the status quo of the clinic, take practical and feasible effective measures, strengthen management, improve quality, adapt to development, and enhance vitality, so that the military colleges directly under the outpatient department The healthcare work reaches a new level.
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1 发展和完善合作医疗制度是党中央的决策,是长期实践经验的总结,方向完全正确 农村、农业和农民问题一直是党中央、国务院十分关心的重大问题。近年来,党中央、国务院的一
采购拖把 拖地是个既要体力又要技巧的活儿,难度不小。而且事关重大,太太总是教诲我说,地不干净,满屋皆脏。于是,便不敢轻举妄动,便让贤。 这天,太太在家给女儿洗澡,让我去买一把新拖
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认识浩的那天我的情绪坏到极点。那天我的博 士伦不知怎么弄掉了一个,我趴在大街上到 处搜寻,过往的行人如同看戏一般的窃笑使 我本来就懊恼的情绪鼓涨至极。 这时浩