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俄罗斯文学从来不缺少担当。对于国家命运、人民疾苦,特别是对人的精神生活的深切关怀,是俄罗斯文学的一个优秀传统。这种关怀贯穿于许多经典作家文学生涯始终,成为他们个人生活的重要内容。的确,他们的主要精力献给了小说、诗歌,或者戏剧,那些奠定他们文学地位的代表作品。与此同时,面对纷繁多舛的现实生活,他们从不回避发出自己的声音。他们的写作态度决定着,需要更便捷的形式介入生活。虽然在俄文 Russian literature has never been lacking. The deep concern for the fate of the country, the suffering of the people, and especially the spiritual life of people is an excellent tradition of Russian literature. This kind of care runs through many classic writers literature career has always been an important part of their personal life. Indeed, their main focus is devoted to novels, poetry, or drama, to those works that lay their literary status. In the meantime, in the face of numerous and varied realities, they never hesitate to make their own voices heard. Their writing attitude determines the need for more convenient forms of intervention in life. Although in Russian
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中秋佳节除了赏月吃月饼,国内各地甚至国外还有不同的风俗. Mid-Autumn Festival in addition to enjoying the moon moon cake, all over the country and even abroad th
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
有一天,一只小耗子外出旅行。耗子奶奶给他烤了些路上吃的饼,把他送到了洞口。  小耗子是一大早出门的,到了傍晚才回来。  “啊,奶奶!”小耗子喊了起来,“要知道,原来我是最有力量、最灵巧、最勇敢的,可在旅行前我还不知道哩。”  “你是怎么知道的呢?”奶奶问。  “是这样的,”小耗子讲了起来,“我出洞以后,走呀走呀,来到了大海边,那海可大可大啦,海面上不停地翻着波浪!可是我并不怕,我跳到海里就游了过去
不爱灵药共仙丹,惟爱红薯度荒年.何人远来传此种,陈公父子取洋蕃.这首民歌把地瓜的来历、传播、栽种的经过讲得很清楚. Not love the drug a total of immortality, but th
在美国当代黑人女作家中,阿萨·班德勒(asha bandele)是比较富有代表性的一位。她于1970年出生在纽约,父母是纽约城市大学的工作人员,自幼受到很好的教育,但从青少年时期就表