
来源 :中国超声医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:livos
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目的 :评价心脏恶性肿瘤的临床特点、手术所见、病理学类型、以及治疗情况 ;评价超声心动显像诊断心脏恶性肿瘤的准确性。方法 :1983年至 2 0 0 2年 12月在北京阜外心血管病医院手术和尸检及病理证实为心脏恶性肿瘤的患者 2 7例。 2 5例经手术和病理证实 ,2例尸检证实。 2 4例为心脏原发恶性肿瘤 ,3例为转移性心脏恶性肿瘤。全部患者均有术前经胸超声心动显像检查资料。男 17例 ,女 10例。年龄 1~ 72岁 ,平均 3 4岁。结果 :2 7例患者中 ,62 .95%肿瘤位于右心 (右心房占 3 3 .3 3 % ,右心室占 14 .81% ,浸润房室环及同时波及右房室占 14 .81%。) ;2 9 .63 %肿瘤位于左心 (左心房占 2 2 .2 2 % ,左心室占 7.41% ) ;7.41%位于心包。右心房肿瘤同时累及上腔静脉占 14 .81% ,累及下腔静脉占 14 .81% ,累及无名静脉占 3 .70 %。左心房肿瘤同时累及肺静脉占 7.41%。 2 4例 (88.89% )原发心脏恶性肿瘤中 ,间叶肉瘤 11例 (40 .74% ) ,血管肉瘤 5例 (18.52 % ) ,横纹肌肉瘤 2例 (7.41% ) ,纤维肉瘤 2例 (7.41% ) ,平滑肌肉瘤 1例 (3 .70 % ) ,非何杰金氏恶性淋巴瘤 1例 (3 .70 % ) ,心包间皮肉瘤 2例 (7.41% )。转移性心脏恶性肿瘤 3例 (11.11% ) ,其中转移性肝细胞癌 2例占 7.41% ,转移性上皮肉瘤 1例占 3 .70 % OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical features, surgical findings, pathological types, and treatment of cardiac malignancies. To evaluate the accuracy of echocardiography in the diagnosis of cardiac malignancies. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients with pathologically confirmed cardiac malignancy at the Fu Wai Hospital of Cardiovascular Surgery from January 1983 to December 2002 in Beijing were enrolled in this study. Twenty-five cases were confirmed by operation and pathology and confirmed by autopsy in two cases. 24 cases of primary cardiac cancer, 3 cases of metastatic cardiac cancer. All patients had preoperative transthoracic echocardiography examination data. 17 males and 10 females. Aged 1 to 72 years, an average of 34 years old. Results: Of the 27 patients, 62.95% of the tumors were located in the right heart (33.33% in the right atrium, 14.81% in the right ventricle, 14.81% in the infrarenal atrioventricular loop and right atrium) ); 29.6% of the tumors were located in the left heart (left atrium accounted for 22.22%, left ventricular accounted for 7.41%); 7.41% in the pericardium. Right atrial tumor involving the superior vena cava accounted for 14.81%, involving the inferior vena cava accounted for 14.81%, involving anonymous vein accounted for 3.70%. Left atrial tumor involving pulmonary vein accounted for 7.41%. There were 11 cases (40.74%) of mesenchymal sarcoma, 5 cases of angiosarcoma (18.52%), 2 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma (7.41%) and 2 cases of fibrosarcoma (7.41%) in 24 primary cardiac malignancies (88.89% ), 1 case of leiomyosarcoma (3.70%), 1 case of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (3.70%) and 2 cases of pericardial mesangarcoma (7.41%). 3 cases (11.11%) of metastatic cardiac malignancies, of which 2 cases of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma accounted for 7.41%, 1 case of metastatic epithelial sarcoma accounted for 3.70%
目的 掌握西宁市基本达到消除碘缺乏病阶段目标后,碘缺乏病的防治效果及人群碘营养状况.方法 2009年调查西宁市7个县(区),每个县(区)按东、西、南、北、中抽取5个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)抽取1所学校,每所学校抽取80名8~10岁学生,采用触诊法检查儿童甲状腺肿大情况,采用过硫酸铵消化砷铈催化分光光度法测定儿童尿碘,采用直接滴定法测定学生家中食用盐含碘量.结果 共抽检2919名8~10岁儿童,检出甲
目的 了解山东省地方性氟中毒病区降氟改水工程现状及水氟分布.方法 2005-2007年,根据<国家和山东省地方性氟中毒防治项目方案>的要求,对山东省17个市全部降氟改水工程的改水形式、水源类型、运转状况进行调查;同时对尚在运转的改水工程水氟进行检测,方法为离子选择电极法.结果 山东省共建降氟改水工程5816处,分布于全省17个市110个县(市、区),覆盖地氟病村8776个,主要为打井改水工程,占9
目的 了解山西省改水降氟工程运行及使用现状,为加快地方性氟中毒防治工作提供科学依据.方法 2005-2009年,根据国家<地方病防治项目技术方案>,在山西省实施改水降氟措施的县(市、区),对降氟改水工程运行现状进行调查,并采用氟离子选择电极法检测水氟.结果 本次共调查了51个县(市、区)1658处降氟改水工程,改水工程类型中打井占93.12%(1544/1658),以打井为主.正常运行的改水工程为
目的 了解宁夏布鲁杆菌病(简称布病)的流行规律及趋势,为采取科学有效的防治措施提供依据.方法 2004-2009年,对宁夏银川市、石嘴山市、吴忠市、固原市和中卫市五地市网络报告的布病患者的资料进行整理和回顾分析,资料内容包括人口学特征、就诊情况及病史病程等方面信息,分析指标包括报告发病率;患者的性别、年龄、地区分布、城乡分布情况;转为慢性期率及其影响因素;病例报告单位的分布情况等.结果 2004-