
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eqsd521
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中华民族的各个民族,在祖国历史发展的长期进程中,都作了各自应有的贡献。贵州的开发,同样是汉族和兄弟民族共同辛勤劳动的结果。 今日贵州境域,在先秦时期主要是今仡佬族先民—濮人的聚居地。战国秦汉以来,在今苗、瑶、布依、侗、水、壮、毛南、彝、土家各族先民分别从相邻各省迁入的同时,汉族群众也从内地不断迁来。到元明清时期,又有蒙古、回、白、满、羌各族陆续迁入。解放后随着国家社会主义建设事业的发展,又有藏、维吾尔、朝鲜、哈尼、傣、黎、傈僳、佤、畲、高山、拉祜、东乡、纳西、景颇、土、达斡尔、仫佬、锡伯、布朗、撒拉、阿昌、普米、怒、俄罗斯、鄂温克、德昂、京、独龙、鄂伦春、赫哲、门巴、珞巴、基诺等族少量人口迁入。在两千多年的历史进程中,汉族与各族人民一起,错居杂处,相互学习,彼此支持,披荆斩棘,共同奋斗,为贵州高原的开发作出了应有的贡献。 汉族迁入贵州,虽是一个持续不断的长期过程,但从总体上看,主要有五次大规模的集中迁移。而每次大规模的迁入,由于具体历史条件不同,移入的方式和移入后的活动又各有特点,但每次都对贵州的政治、经济、文化发展,起到了巨大的促进作用,形成了贵州社会发展的几次高潮。兹简略分述如下: All ethnic groups of the Chinese nation have made their due contributions in the long-term process of the historical development of the motherland. The development of Guizhou is also the result of the joint hard work of the Han and the fraternal peoples. Guizhou territory today, in the pre-Qin period is mainly the ancestors of this Mulam - Pu people’s settlements. Since the Warring States Periods and the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Han Chinese people have also been continuously relocated from the Mainland while the Miao, Yao, Buyi, Dong, Shui, Zhuang, Maonan, Yi and Tujia forerunners moved in respectively from neighboring provinces. During the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Mongolia, Hui, Bai, Manchu and Qiang ethnic groups gradually moved in. After the liberation, with the development of the cause of socialist construction in our country, there are also Tibet, Uyghur, North Korea, Hani, Dai, Li, Qionglai, Wa, She, Alpine, Lahu, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Tu Daur, Gelao, A small number of ethnic minorities such as Brown, Salar, Achang, Pumi, anger, Russia, Ewenki, Deang, Beijing, Dulong, Oroqen, Hezhen, Memba, Lhoba and Keno migrated. During the two thousand years of history, the Han people, together with the people of all ethnic groups, have been making concerted efforts in the development of the Guizhou plateau by merging, misunderstanding, learning from each other, supporting each other and resolving difficulties through common problems. The move of Han into Guizhou is a long-term continuous process, but on the whole, there are mainly five large-scale centralized relocations. Each large-scale emigration has its own characteristics because of its specific historical conditions, its mode of movement and the activities after its entry. However, each time it has played a significant role in promoting the political, economic and cultural development of Guizhou, it has formed a Several climaxes of Guizhou social development. Here is a brief summary:
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[摘要]高职生就业有自己的特殊性,提升高职生就业的能力,要从培养对社会的责任心、提升认识、将个人前途和国家发展紧密结合、树立深入基层创业等几个方面入手,同时,学校也要加强就业指导,关注学生就业心理。  [关键词]高职生就业能力  [作者简介]庆祖杰(1970- ),男,江苏南京人,南京特殊教育职业技术学院副院长,副研究员,研究方向为特殊教育和残疾人事业理论及实践;周春梅(1971- ),女,黑龙江