Development of hepatorenal syndrome in bile duct ligated rats

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akuma7040
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AIM: To evaluate in bile duct ligated rats whether there were progressive alterations of renal function without changes in histopathology. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were submitted to sham-surgery or bile duct ligation (BDL) and divided according to the post-procedure time (2, 4 and 6-wk). To determine renal function parameters, rats wereplaced in metabolic cages and, at the end of the experiment, blood and urine samples were obtained. Histology and hydroxyproline content were analyzed in liver and renal tissue. RESULTS: Rats with 2 wk of BDL increased free water clearance (P = 0.02), reduced urinary osmolality (P = 0.03) and serum creatinine (P = 0.01) in comparison to the sham group. In contrast, rats at 6 wk of BDL showed features of HRS, including signif icant increase in serum creatinine and reductions in creatinine clearance, water excretion and urinary sodium concentration. Rats with 4 wk of BDL exhibited an intermediate stage of renal dysfunction. Progressive hepatic f ibrosis according to post-procedure time was confirmed by histology. The increased levels of liver hydroxyproline contrasted with the absence of structural changes in the kidney, as assessed by histology and unchanged hydroxyproline content in renal tissue. CONCLUSION: Our data show that BDL produced progressive renal dysfunction without structural changes in the kidney, characterizing HRS. The present model will be useful to understand the pathophysiology of HRS. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were submitted to sham-surgery or bile duct ligation (BDL) and divided according to the post-procedure time ( 2, 4 and 6-wk). To determine renal function parameters, rats were placed in metabolic cages and, at the end of the experiment, blood and urine samples were obtained. Histology and hydroxyproline content were analyzed in liver and renal tissue. RESULTS: Rats with 2 wk of BDL increased free water clearance (P = 0.02), reduced urinary osmolality (P = 0.03) and serum creatinine (P = 0.01) in comparison to the sham group. of HRS, including signif icant increase in serum creatinine and reductions in creatinine clearance, water excretion and urinary sodium concentration. Rats with 4 wk of BDL exhibited an intermediate stage of renal dysfunction. Progressive hepatic f ibrosis a ccording to post-procedure time was confirmed by histology. The increased levels of liver hydroxyproline contrasted with the absence of structural changes in the kidney, as as by histology and unchanged hydroxyproline content in renal tissue. CONCLUSION: Our data show that BDL produced progressive renal dysfunction without structural changes in the kidney, characterizing HRS. The present model will be useful to understand the pathophysiology of HRS.
【内容摘要】我国的国民经济正在以强劲的势头攀升,带动我国教育教学方面的发展。在实际教学过程中,教师对于教学的理解将决定着教学质量的好坏,因此要求教师结合实际情况,有针对性的采取教学策略,加强学生的学习水平以及学习能力。本文对初中体育教学方法多样化进行阐述,旨在提升学生的体育学习能力。  【关键词】初中体育 教学方法 多样化  本文对初中体育教学方法进行多方面的探析,将理论与实际结合,有效的提高学习
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