Psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients with chronic diseases: validation of the Chinese versio

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OBJECTIVE: Even in secular societies, a small portion of patients find their spirituality to help cope with illness. But for the majority of patients, psychosocial and spiritual needs are neither addressed nor even considered a relevant factor by health care professionals. To measure such specific needs, the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) was developed. The aim of this study was to validate the Chinese version of the SpNQ (SpNQ-Ch) and thus to measure psychosocial and spiritual needs of Chinese patients. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study among 168 patients with chronic diseases who were recruited in the Changhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China using standardized questionnaires. We performed reliability and factor analyses, as well as analyses of variance, first order correlations and regression analyses. RESULTS: The 17-item SpNQ-Ch had a similar factorial structure as the original version with two main and three minor factors which accounted for 64% of variance, and internal consistency estimates (Cronbach’s α) ranging from 0.51 to 0.81. Included were the 4-item scale Inner Peace Needs, the 5-item scale Giving/Generativity Needs, the 5-item scale Religious Needs (with 2 sub-constructs, Praying and Sources), and a 3-item scale Reflection/Release Needs. In Chinese patients with cancer (63%), pain affections (10%), or other chronic conditions (23%), the needs for Giving/Generativity (which refer to categories of Connectedness and Meaning) and Inner Peace Needs scored highest, while Religious Needs and the Reflection/Release Needs scored lower. CONCLUSION: The SpNQ-Ch is congruent with its primary version, and can be used in future studies with the mostly nonreligious patients from China. First findings indicate specific psychosocial and spiritual needs which should be addressed by health care professionals to support patients in their struggle with chronic illness in terms of psycho-emotional stabilization, finding hope and meaning, and thus achieving peaceful states of mind despite chronic illness. OBJECTIVE: Even in secular societies, a small part of patients find their spirituality to help cope with illness. But for the majority of patients, psychosocial and spiritual needs are no addressed nor even considered a relevant factor by health care professionals. To measure this specific needs, the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) was developed. The aim of this Chinese to the validate the Chinese version of the SpNQ (SpNQ-Ch) and thus to measure psychosocial and spiritual needs of Chinese patients. METHODS: This was a cross- sectional study among 168 patients with chronic diseases who were recruited in the Changhai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China using standardized questionnaires. We performed reliability and factor analyzes, as well as analyzes of variance, first order correlations and regression analyzes. RESULTS: The 17-item SpNQ-Ch had a similar factorial structure as the original version with two main and three minor factors which accounted for 64% of variance, and internal consistency estimates (Cronbach’s alpha) ranging from 0.51 to 0.81. Included in the 4-item scale Inner Peace Needs, the 5-item scale Giving / Generativity Needs, the 5-item scale Religious Needs Sub-constructs, Praying and Sources), and a 3-item scale Reflection / Release Needs. In Chinese patients with cancer (63%), pain affections (10%), or other chronic conditions / Generativity (which refers to categories of Connectedness and Meaning) and Inner Peace Needs scored highest, while Religious Needs and the Reflection / Release Needs scored lower. CONCLUSION: The SpNQ-Ch is congruent with its primary version, and can be used in future studies with the mostly nonreligious patients from China. First findings indicate specific psychosocial and spiritual needs which should be addressed by health care professionals to support patients in their struggle with chronic illness in terms of psycho-emotional stabilization, finding hope and mea ning, and of achieving peaceful states of mind with chronic illness.
一见倾心的浪漫婚姻  饶平如1922年出生,和妻子毛美棠都是江西南城人,两家是世交。  战乱时期的1940年,高中没毕业的饶平如弃笔从戎,投考了黄埔军校。毕业后他参加过抗战,是个血气方刚的军人。其间,有人给他介绍过3个漂亮女孩,他都以正在打仗为由推掉了。1946年夏天,饶平如的父亲来了一封信,希望他借着假期回家定亲。父亲带他前往临川周家岭3号的伯父家,他记得相亲时跟父亲走进女方家的厅堂,看到左边正
Aim:To evaluate the protective effect of oral raloxifene on acute lung injury.Methods:Thirty adult,male Sprague-Dawley rats each weighing 180-210 g wereused an
收集我院及北京肿瘤医院2001年3月至2004年12月间资料完整的胰腺癌35例.分析其直接和间接CT表现进行分析。以进一步提高对该病的认识和诊断水平。 We collected 35 cases of