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  1.A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.
  2.A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing-net.
  3.A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.Bright blows the broom on the brook’s bare brown banks.
  4.Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.
  5.Bill’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.
  6.Blue glue gun,green glue gun.
  7.Blake’s black bike’s back brake bracket block broke.
  8.Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bears’ babies.
  9.Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
  10.Don’t pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.
  11.Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
  12.Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.
  13.Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.
  14.Fresh fried fish,fish fresh fried,fried fish fresh,fish fried fresh.
  15.Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.
  16.Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.
  17.A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
  18.How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws?
  19.I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.
  20.If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought so much.
  21.I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am.
  22.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.
  23.If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.
  24.If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?
  25.Is there a pleasant peasant present?
  26.Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York.
  27.Listen to the local yokel yodel.
  28.My dame has a lame tame crane.My dame has a crane that is lame.
  29.Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.
  30.Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!
  31.Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.
  32.Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.
  33.One smart fellow,he felt smart.Two smart fellows, they felt smart.Three smart fellows,they all felt smart.
  34.One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race,Two-Two won one, too.
  35.Peter picked a peck of pickled pepper prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.
  36.Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks.
  37.Sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack.Sheep should sleep in a shed.
  38.Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
  39.She sells sea shells on the seashore.The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
  40.Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.
  41.The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!
  42.Thank the other three brothers of their father’s mother’s brother’s side.
  43.The cat catchers can’t catch caught cats.
  44.The soldiers shouldered shooters on their shoulders.
  45.The sun shines on shop signs.
  46.Three gray geese in the green grass grazing.Gray were the geese and green was the grass.
  47.Unique New York.
  48.We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
  49.While we were walking,we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.
  50.Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?
文章的标题只有一个字——“城”。  那是一座什么样的城?“我”究竟对“那一座”“城”保持什么样的态度?作者没有明说,而是留下大量的空白让你去想象,去联想,去填充。  但是我们却能从字里行间看到作者眼前的城幻化出了三种形象:  一座历史之城——李广曾经浴血奋战誓死守卫的龙城。那座曾经承载了他无尽梦想与抱负的城,也是他魂飞梦断的绝唱处。一座现实之城——穿越岁月迷雾,唐弢所处的现实中的城。1947年解放
郭风的作品多表现闽南乡间风光和具有乡土特色的生活情景,以富有声光色彩和哲理意蕴的图画,抒发着作者对乡土的厚爱和对祖国的挚情,“具有浓重的乡土气息,具有民间的、乡亲的情绪”。  《松坊溪的冬天》就是一篇文情并茂的散文。文章从松坊溪的冬天临近时、雪落时和雪止后的景象,为我们展现了松坊溪冬天美丽动人的景色,抒发了作者热爱山村、热爱自然的思想感情。  一开篇,作者就以明快的句子宣告:“冬天一天比一天走近来
生命科学是自然科学中的一个重要的分支,在高中生物课程中,它要求具备理科的思维方式。因此在学习中,应注重理科思维的养成、理科意识的树立。数学是自然科学的基础学科,是其他自然科学研究必不可少的工具。在高中生物学习中,有不少问题需要用数学方法来理解和处理,渗透着数学建模思想。新课标人教版生物教材与旧教材相比,更加重视用数学方法来解决比较抽象的生物学问题,较好地体现了新课标加强学科间横向联系的精神。  一
人生是条船  让  风留给帆  方向留给舵  船长的位置留给我  在生活的海洋上,每一个人都驾驭着属于自己的一叶小舟。无边的海洋,有风平浪静之日,也有波涛汹涌之时。你打算怎样驾驭属于自己的生命之舟?是面对狂风退缩,面对暴雨逃离,还是扯一张风帆,引领自己的人生航船乘风破浪,驶向成功的彼岸?  我们每个人都应做自己人生的船长,寻找自己人生的方向,撑起一片蓝天,绘出一片彩虹,奏起动人的乐章!
轻轻的风  淡淡的雾  丝丝的雨  新新的春    远远的山  翠翠的草  绿绿的水  悠悠的人
2006年高考理科综合(全国卷Ⅰ)化学试题继续贯彻稳中求实、稳中求改的原则,表现出了“立足基础知识,突出必修内容,紧密联系实际”等体现新课改思想的特点。但是,2006年高考理科综合化学试题也还有一些值得商榷与推敲的地方。    一、中学化学学习的重点应突出    2006年高考理综化学试题虽然强调了基础知识,但对中学化学的重要知识点、面关照不足。如在化学实验方面只考查了传统的气体制备和收集、尾气处