中华人民共和国海关总署公告 2006年 第76号

来源 :中国对外经济贸易文告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lll2518
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为加强海关统计的信息、咨询与服务工作,方便公众对海关统计数据的使用,根据《中华人民共和国海关统计条例》有关规定,现向社会公布《2007年中国海关统计数据发布时间表》,并就有关事宜公告如下:一、中国海关统计是中国进出口货物贸易统计。统计数据的收集、整理编制和发布均由中国海关负责。中国海关采用国际通用的贸易统计标准,其数据具有全面性、可靠性和国际可比性。二、2002年4月,我国正式加入由国际货币基金组织(IMF)建立并推行的"国际数据公布通用系统 In order to strengthen customs information, consultation, and service to facilitate the use of customs statistics, according to the relevant regulations of the “Customs Statistics Regulations of the People’s Republic of China”, the “2007 Timetable for the Release of China Customs Statistics” is now announced to the public. The relevant issues are announced as follows: 1. China’s customs statistics are statistics on China’s import and export goods trade. The collection, compilation and publication of statistical data are all the responsibility of the China Customs. China Customs adopts internationally accepted trade statistics standards. Its data is comprehensive, reliable and internationally comparable. 2. In April 2002, China formally joined the International Data Publication System, established and implemented by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Atop aide to Iraqi President Saddam Husseinsurrendered to coalition forces on Saturday(April 12)while some Iraqi opposition leaders seemedpoised to seek their
At a Restaurart “Here,waiter,it seems to me that this fish is not so fresh as the fish you served us lastSunday.”“Pardon,sir,it is the very same fish.”
28岁,他完成了从0到10000000的跨越,吃了深圳汽车用品超市的螃蟹,在宝安开设了当时全市最大的汽车用品中心,大到汽车轮胎、汽车音响,小到防滑垫、汽车香水等上万种汽车用品像普通超市一样敞开摆设、明码标价、自选销售,令消费者耳目一新。这一切还得从他18岁从英德农村到深圳打工之路说起,没有那段尘土飞扬的日子就没有今天的王汉荣。    白手起家:打磨手艺成了敲门砖    王汉荣4岁丧父,母亲一手把他
许多国外语言学家通过研究发现,大量的阅读,包括消遣性的阅读(pleasure reading),对提高第二语言能力极有裨益。通过大量阅读,不仅可以提高外语学习者的阅读能力,扩展词汇量
1.Bats,porcupines and tortoises hibernate more or less completely.一句中,completely能否省略,省略后对句意有什么影响吗? 答:more or less是固定搭配的习语,意为:①或