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在我们山区,冬季烤火并不象大城市里这般讲究。几块石头或几块断砖围成个小圈, 在上面架些柏柱松叶之类较为细软的枝叶,枝叶上面再放上个从山上挖起的大树圪塔便足足可以烤上一个星期。山里的孩子远远不能和城里的孩子相比,山区里大人和孩子们很少在一块谈天说地,大人们教育自己的孩子也往往带着喝斥,粗喉咙大嗓门的,听起来让人胆战心惊。唯有在大闲的冬季,尤其是大雪纷飞的日子,男女老少围坐一圈,我们用手支着自己的脸静静地听着大人们讲山里山外的故事,自然少不了妖魔鬼怪什么的,把我们听得双耳一支棱一支棱,眉毛一跳一跳的,晚上睡觉时直往大人怀里钻。火旁的大人是一年中最温和最宽容的。这时我们打断大人的话插上几句或发几句疑问,大人决不喝斥,还会耐心地给我们解释。有一次父亲讲孟姜女哭长城的故事,无论父亲怎样讲解我也明白不了孟姜女哭起来哪会有那么大 In our mountains, winter roasted fire is not as big as in a big city. A few stones or broken pieces of brick surrounded by a small circle, in which some Picea-cedar leaves and the like more soft foliage, foliage above and then put a dug up from the hill tree tower is enough to bake One week. The children in the mountains are far less able to compare with the children in the city. Adults and children in the mountains rarely talk to one another. The adults educate their children to often scream with loud, thick throats. . Only in the big winter, especially the snow-filled days, men and women sitting in a circle, we use his hand supporting his face quietly listening to adults tell stories outside the mountains, the natural monster ghost or something, the We hear both edges of an edge of a ridge, eyebrows jump, sleeping in the arms at night to go straight to adults. The adults by the fire are the mildest and most tolerant of the year. Then we interrupted the words of adult plug in a few words or send a few questions, adults never scolded, but also patiently explain to us. Once my father told Meng Jiangnu crying story of the Great Wall, no matter how my father explained that I can not understand why Meng Jiangnu cry would be so big
传说在今山西河津县西北和陕西韩城县东北的两山之间,有峭壁相对,称作“龙门”,也叫禹门口。当年大禹治水时凿山断门,黄河水从其中流出,形成了 Legend has it that between
AIM: To estimate the prevalence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with long lasting colonic symptoms undergoing total colonoscopy; and to establish clinica
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为了明确双斑长跗萤叶甲[Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)]在谷田中的发生危害规律,并为该虫的预测预报和综合治理提供科学依据,笔者于2015年在山西省长治市的谷田中,