Nature of large (Ti, Nb)(C, N) particles precipitated during the solidification of Ti, Nb HSLA steel

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:siery
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To investigate the microsegregation phenomena and complex (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipitation behavior during continuous casting, a unidirectional solidification unit was employed to simulate the solidification process. The samples of Ti, Nb-addition steels after unidirectional solidification were examined using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and electron probe X-ray microanalyzer (EPMA). In such specimens, dendrite structure and mushy zone can be detected along the solidification direction. It shows that the addition of titanium, niobium to high-strength low-alloyed (HSLA) steel results in undesirable (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipita- tion because of microsegregation. The effect of cooling rate on (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipitation was investigated. The composition of large precipitates was determined using FE-SEM with EDS. Large (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipitates could be divided into three kinds according to the composition and morphology. With the cooling rate increasing, Ti-rich (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipitates are transformed to Nb-rich (Ti, Nb)(C, N) precipitates. To investigate the microsegregation phenomena and complex (Ti, Nb) (C, N) precipitation behavior during continuous casting, a unidirectional solidification unit was employed to simulate the solidification process. The samples of Ti, Nb-addition steels after unidirectional solidification were examined using In such specimens, dendrite structure and mushy zone can be detected along the solidification direction. It shows that the addition of titanium, niobium to high- The low-alloyed (HSLA) steel results in undesirable (Ti, Nb) (C, N) precipita- tion of the microsegregation. The effect of cooling rate on (Ti, Nb) Large precipitates were determined using FE-SEM with EDS. Large (Ti, Nb) (C, N) precipitates could be divided into three kinds according to the composition and morphology. With the cooling rate increasing, Ti- rich (C, N) precipitates are transformed to Nb-rich (Ti, Nb) (C, N) precipitates.
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