
来源 :中华眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redkind
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自超声乳化白内障吸除手术技术进入我国以来 ,超声乳化手柄多因故障无法维修 ,而只能耗巨资更新。为方便用户 ,我公司引进全套美国设备 ,由美国专业工程师亲自负责工艺技术 ,为眼科临床提供超声乳化手柄的维修服务 ,保留原手柄的金属外壳 ,仅花费少量资金将损坏的手柄内芯、连 Since phacoemulsification cataract surgery technology has entered China, phacoemulsification handles can not be repaired because of many failures, but only huge amounts of energy to update. For the convenience of users, our company has introduced a full set of American equipment, and the American professional engineers personally responsible for the process technology, to provide ocular ultrasonic clinical maintenance service of the phacoemulsification handle, retain the metal shell of the original handle, only spend a small amount of money will damage the handle core, even
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广州地区十字花科蔬菜花叶病的病原病毒已经鉴定了的共有三类,即(1)甘蓝病毒2号(Bra-ssica Virus 2)的芜菁毒系和油菜毒系,(2)黄瓜病毒1号(Cucumis Virus 1)和(3)甘蓝潜隐病
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我院地处高海拔地区 ,海拔 2 80 8m ,高寒缺氧 ,自然条件差 ,气候恶劣 ,风沙较大。为加强医院管理、提高医疗质量、更好地为病人服务 ,我们对我院 1 992年— 2 0 0 1年 1 0年
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