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兴奋与烦躁状态在精神科急救中是最常见的现象,需从速处置。由于出现这些症状的背景因素各种各样,要求医生要从病人家属那里得到正确的病情介绍和直接观察患者的临床表现,综合全部印象做出诊断。一、诊断方法病人可从日常体验到的轻度兴奋,到需要医生治疗的激烈兴奋,常经历复杂的经过。其中需急救的病例是极度冲动并有生命危险的患者。包括会给患者周围人带来威胁、伤害或物品破坏者。1.临床诊察对这类患者应绝对避免使其进一步兴奋,不可将患者放到有刺激性的环境中,要避免房屋 Excitement and irritability in psychiatric first aid is the most common phenomenon, the need to dispose of as soon as possible. Because of the variety of background conditions in which these symptoms occur, doctors are required to obtain the correct presentation of the disease from the patient’s family and to directly observe the clinical manifestations of the patient, making a comprehensive assessment of the overall diagnosis. First, the diagnosis of patients from the daily experience of mild excitement, to the intense excitement of doctors need treatment, often undergo a complex process. The cases requiring first aid are extremely impulsive and life-threatening patients. Includes threats, injuries, or vandalism that can cause people around the patient. 1. Clinical diagnosis of such patients should be absolutely avoid further excitement, patients should not be placed in an irritating environment, to avoid housing
牙齿的力量夫妻俩人一块爬山,他们终于攀到了山顶,站在山顶上向远方眺望。两个人高兴得像个孩子,手舞足蹈。对于终日忙碌的他俩来说,这是一次难忘的 The strength of the te
1989年第7卷第1期目录 1989年1月火箭喷管硅基内衬的液体层烧蚀模型 ·············································……何
人们已知血浆脂蛋白在动脉粥样硬化形成中的作用,但对其免疫调节性质仍不清楚。本文扼要概述了脂蛋白与T 淋巴细胞的相互作用及其体外免疫调节机理研究的最新进展并认为其中
我们试用黑白负片制作彩染文字幻灯片,工艺简单,效果较好,特介绍如下。方法1 1 购普通135黑白胶卷(GB21°)DF相机平光下拍摄,以黑字为准正确曝光,因漂蓝液有厚染作用,故曝光
常有些液压机床、液压管道的振动和噪音很大。其原因虽是多方面的,但不注意回油路的消振降噪也是个重要原因。 为了避免振动与噪音,我们是这样设计回油路的:将五个油缸的回油
有些愿望,可以一个人独力达成,但有些愿望,需要我们互助才能成真。   在一个脚踏车拍卖会中,每次叫价,一位小男孩总会争先喊第一口价——五块钱,因为,他只有五块钱。   小男孩一次次出价,又一次次失望。慢慢地,大家开始留意到他。   最后,场上只剩下那辆最贵的车。拍卖员问:“谁先出价?”   小男孩又说:“五块钱。”   奇迹出现了!场内再没人接着喊价。拍卖员唱价三次后,大声宣布:“这辆脚踏车卖给这
Based on the statistical results of the relationship between the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang and moderate earthquakes within Xinjiang since 1950,this