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一、不涉及补价的应收账款的交换 应收款项交换时,按照《企业会计制度》的规定,笔者总结出应遵循以下两条原则: 1、取大原则——按大数入账。企业以应收款项换入应收款项,或者以应收款项和其他资产换入应收款项时,不能单纯以换出应收款项的账面价值为基础确定换入资产的入账价值,而应该对比换入应收款项的原账面价值与换出的应收款项和其他资产的账面价值,以二者之中大数作为换入应收款项的入账价值。 即如果换入应收款项的原账面价值大于或等于换出应收款项和其他资产账面价值的,按换入应收款项的原账面价值作为换入应收款项的入账价值,换入应收款项的入账价值 First, the exchange of accounts receivable does not involve the premium In the exchange of receivables, in accordance with the “Accounting System for Business Enterprises,” the author concluded that the following two principles should be followed: 1, to take the principle - accounted for by a large number . When an enterprise transfers accounts receivable with receivables or accounts receivables and other assets into receivables, it can not be accounted for on the basis of the book value of the trade receivables exchanged The book value of the trade receivables exchanged with the book value of the trade receivables and other assets exchanged out should be compared with the large amount of the book value of the trade receivables exchanged into the accounts receivable. In other words, if the original book value of trade receivables is greater than or equal to the book value of trade receivables and other assets, the original book value of the trade receivables exchanged will be used as the book value of trade receivables, Exchange into the accounts receivable value
创造性学习的方法包括批判性思考、变通性思考和独创性思考三个层次。 Creative learning methods include critical thinking, alternative thinking and original thinkin
大小公司纷纷撤离中关村,让北京离“硅谷”越来越远因追逐低成本涌入昆山的台商会不会因为同样的理由而再次迁移陷入困惑的不仅仅是开发区,还有寻找投资乐土的企业 Large an
知识之歌太阳、星星、月亮, 为什么会发光? 大雁、飞机、火箭, 为什么能飞翔? 雪花为什么这样美丽? 云儿有时在哪里躲藏? Song of knowledge solar, stars, the moon, why
<正> 1988年1月21日全国人民代表大会常务委员会《关于惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定》规定:"国家工作人员、集体经济组织工作人员、或者其他经手、管理公共财物的人员,利用职务上的便利,侵吞、盗窃、骗取公共财物的,是贪污罪。"依据上述规定,集体经济组织的工作人员可以成为贪污罪的主体。刑法第81条规定:本法所说的公共财产是指下列财产:(一)全民所有的财产;(二)劳动群众集体
企业核心竞争能力形成要素,指的是企业如何才能具有核心竞争能力。 1.确定正确的企业发展战略。发展战略是企业的一面旗帜,旗帜明确才能动员一切积极因素为企业发展做贡献,