Frequency-tuning-induced state transfer in optical microcavities

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitewolfwv7
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Quantum state transfer in optical microcavities plays an important role in quantum information processing and is essential in many optical devices such as optical frequency converters and diodes. Existing schemes are effective and realized by tuning the coupling strengths between modes. However, such approaches are severely restricted due to the small amount of strength that can be tuned and the difficulty performing the tuning in some situations, such as in an on-chip microcavity system. Here we propose a novel approach that realizes the state transfer between different modes in optical microcavities by tuning the frequency of an intermediate mode. We show that for typical functions of frequency tuning, such as linear and periodic functions, the state transfer can be realized successfully with different features. To optimize the process, we use the gradient descent technique to find an optimal tuning function for a fast and perfect state transfer. We also showed that our approach has significant nonreciprocity with appropriate tuning variables, where one can unidirectionally transfer a state from one mode to another, but the inverse direction transfer is forbidden. This work provides an effective method for controlling the multimode interactions in on-chip optical microcavities via simple operations, and it has practical applications in all-optical devices.
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针对长周期光纤光栅用作折射率传感器时对低浓度溶液不敏感的问题,提出了一种纳米膜修饰的光栅生物传感器,实现了抗原生物分子的低浓度测量。实验结果表明,经薄膜修饰后的光栅传感器,对低浓度的抗原溶液探测的灵敏度有了显著提高。当羊抗兔IgG浓度(质量浓度)为固定值0.01 mg·mL -1时,随着兔IgG浓度的增加,覆膜长周期光纤光栅峰值损耗响应明显。实验测得周期为445,460,500 μm的生物传感器对应的浓度灵敏度分别为2101.5,1306.5,575.9 dB·m