
来源 :中华危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juezhan2010
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急性中毒导致心搏骤停(APCA)是严重中毒所致的急性循环衰竭,其机制复杂,治疗手段有限,患者存活率低且多数伴有神经功能损伤。近年来,大量研究数据表明,当常规复苏手段无效时,体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)技术可能是挽救APCA患者生命的最后一根“救命稻草”。但随着ECMO越来越多地用于APCA患者的救治,也出现了各种临床问题,如人群适应证不统一、最佳支持条件不确定、成本效益存在争议等,仍需要高质量的临床研究进一步评估和完善。本文针对APCA流行病学和机制以及ECMO在APCA中应用的基础与临床研究进行综述,以期探讨ECMO用于APCA救治的临床价值。“,”Acute poisoning induced cardiac arrest (APCA) is an acute circulatory failure caused by severe poisoning, which is characterized by complicated mechanisms, limited treatment methods and poor prognosis. Recently, emerging evidence has demonstrated that extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) could be a promising tool that may benefit the patients with APCA refractory to conventional resuscitation methods. However, further well-designed studies are needed to evaluate and resolve the emerged problems during the process of ECMO therapy in patients with APCA, such as population indications, optimal conditions, cost-effectiveness, etc. Therefore, this article reviews the epidemiology and mechanism of APCA, and the experimental and clinical studies of the application of ECMO in APCA, in order to explore the clinical value of ECMO in the treatment of APCA patients.
由人民日报社主办的“树行业新风”座谈会,今天在这里圆满结束了,我代表人民日报编委会,向参加这次座谈会的各位领导和同志表示感谢。 继去年铁路、民航、交通、卫生、邮电、
目的 了解某三甲医院5年间医院感染情况及特征,为找出医院感染干预重点提供依据.方法 通过北京市《医院感染监控管理系统》导出该院2014-2018年报告的全部医院感染病例信息,