
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Phoenix_Ex
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对于供水企业来讲,水厂是为居民和企业生产合格水的企业,在企业的生存和发展过程中,如何合理调整运行,以最优的状态、最节省的消耗运行不仅是水厂所探究的目标,也是所有企业所追求的目标。特别是对于中国来讲,过去水厂建设受国力影响,设备、工艺的更新远远不能得到快速更新,而在近几年来,随着节能、环保等观念的逐步引入,设施、设备与技术的更新、改造扑面而来,工艺改进和完善也越来越多的开展起来,特别是节电技术的不断更新,为以机泵的电力消耗为供水生产成本费用为占大部分水厂带来了极大效益,因此,笔者也想通过所接触和所学过的可以应用于水厂节电技术进行一个全面的论述,希望能够给他人一个有益的借鉴。 For the water supply enterprises, the water plant is for residents and businesses to produce qualified water enterprises, enterprises in the survival and development process, how to properly adjust the operation, with the optimal state, the most economical consumption is not only explored by the water plant The goal, but also all the goals pursued by the enterprise. Especially for China, in the past, the construction of waterworks was affected by the country’s strength. The updating of equipment and technology is far from being able to be updated rapidly. In recent years, with the gradual introduction of such concepts as energy conservation and environmental protection, facilities, equipment and technology Update, renovation blow to the face, process improvement and improvement are also more and more carried out, especially the continuous update of energy-saving technologies, as the pump power consumption for the cost of water production costs for most of the water plant brought Great benefits, therefore, I also want to touch and learned through the water can be applied to power-saving technology to conduct a comprehensive discussion, hoping to give others a useful reference.
采用热压烧结 -高温气压处理的方法研究了棒状 β- Si3N4 晶种对 La2 O3- Y2 O3系自增韧 Si3N4 显微结构和性能的影响。结果表明 ,加入晶种将在组织中引入粗大柱状 β- Si3N4
无宏观缺陷(MDF)水泥基复合材料的水敏性问题是这种高抗折强度材料的致命弱点. 本工作研究了高铝水泥/聚乙烯醇基MDF复合材料吸湿后对其物理力学性能和微观结构的影响. 结果
0 引言随着计算机监控技术在水电厂的普遍应用和无人值班、取消常规控制的运行管理模式的逐步推广,我国水电厂自动化的水平也越来越高[1]。电力自动化研究院在总结多年开发水电厂
Objective To investigate time-dependent changes of serum proteins permeability inthe normal and cadmium(Cd)-treated mouse testis, reflecting tight junctional (T
采用搅拌铸造法制备了 Ti C/ZA43复合材料 ,用环 -块摩擦磨损试验机测试了连续润滑条件下复合材料的滑动摩擦磨损性能。结果表明 ,Ti C颗粒使基体 ZA43合金的微观组织及磨损
目的 研究分子吸附再循环系统(MARS)和血浆置换(PE)治疗肝性脑病效果.方法 回顾分析33例重型肝炎并发肝性脑病病人,其中20例应用MARS治疗36例次,13例应用PE治疗37例次,每次治