
来源 :湖南档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pzbisyt
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《档案法》颁布5年来,我区各级档案部门,紧紧依靠党委政府的领导,接受人大的监督,与有关部门密切配合,在全区城乡开展了广泛深入且持久扎实的宣传贯彻活动,取得了初步成效,档案事业发生了深刻的变化,依法治档运行机制开始形成,档案事业的管理已步入法制的轨道。其主要标志:一是社会档案意识和法制观念普遍增强,关心支持档案工作的人越来越多,档案部门逐渐从封闭的领地走向开放,社会地位有了较大提高。二是各级党委政府更加重视档案工作,人大实行了有效的监督,长期困扰档案事业发展的一些重大实际问题初步或正在得到解 In the five years since the enactment of the “Archives Law”, the archival departments at all levels in our region have been closely supervising the leadership of the Party committees and governments, receiving the supervision of the NPC and working closely with the relevant departments to carry out a wide range of in-depth and long-lasting publicity and implementation activities in urban and rural areas. The initial achievements have been made and the file business has undergone profound changes. The operation mechanism of governing the file according to law has begun to take shape and the management of the file industry has entered the track of the legal system. The main signs are as follows: First, there is a general increase in the awareness of social archives and the concept of the legal system; more and more people are concerned about supporting the archives work; and the archival departments gradually move from a closed territory to an open one with greater social status. Second, party committees and governments at all levels attach more importance to archives work, and the NPC has implemented effective supervision. Some major practical problems that have long plagued the development of the archives work have been preliminary or are being solved
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