
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhm136
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细节虽小,却关乎一节优质课或示范课的成败。笔者认为,试看无数名师课,无限精彩在细节。成功的教学离不开精彩的细节。细节之美在于巧织妙串细节如龙之鳞,没有片片驿动的鳞甲,无法称其为龙,更不要说飞腾九霄了。如果课堂段落是一颗颗珍珠,那么细节设计如一根金线,需要教师匠心独运地将它们串为一体,处理好“全局”与“一域”的关系。从精心预设到创意导入,从捕捉生成突发问题到以教 Although the details are small, it is related to the success or failure of a quality class or demonstration class. I think, try countless teacher classes, infinitely wonderful in detail. Successful teaching can not be separated from the wonderful details. The beauty of detail lies in the detail of weaving delicate strings, such as the scales of dragons, without any action on the scales, which can not be called dragons, let alone soar. If the classroom is a pearls paragraph, then the details of the design of a gold thread, you need to be teachers together as one of their ingenuity, handle the “global” and “a domain ” relationship. From meticulous presupposition to creative import, from capturing bursty problems to teaching
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