
来源 :中国陶艺家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruanmm2588
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一年又一届陶艺专业毕业生将融入社会,他们认真创作的眼神和忙碌的身影,往来于教室和实验室之间,有欢笑、有叹息、有欣慰,有沮丧,绘成一幅幅美丽动人的画面,深深印在我脑海中,他们充满青春的笑脸,稚嫩、恳切、妩媚、质朴、无华。他们俊俏的青春面容印在毕业画册,许多是创作中的转脸微笑,装窑时的面部状态,指导老师的身影,同学们文化之旅考察的合影,画册的作用不光是记录阶段的作品,也记载着他们青春的气息,若干年后,同学们再见画册青春的他们,会有怎样的感慨和 Graduates of ceramic art graduates of the year after year will be integrated into the society. They carefully create their eyes and their busy silhouettes, come and go between the classroom and the lab. They laugh, sigh, be happy and frustrated, The picture, deeply printed in my mind, they full of youthful smile, immature, sincere, charming, simple, non-Chinese. Their handsome youthful face is printed on graduation albums. Many of them are smiles of turning faces during the creation, the face condition when loading kilns, the figure of the instructor, and the cultural tour of classmates. The purpose of the album is not only the works of the recording phase, but also Recorded their youthful atmosphere, a few years later, students who see their album youth, what kind of feeling will be
一、前言 研究動機 中文是學習其它學科的基礎.單以摸讀點字影響先天盲學生學習中文識字及閱讀.對其它學科的學習也有負面影響.更影響其未來職涯的選擇.求學與工作期間,需要
  This research is designed to explore if 9th grade junior high school students in Taiwan can get improved after merging Tablet PC into the science course.In
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  本研究運用Kinect感測裝置與Unity 3D遊戲引擎之「體感互動遊戲技術─OpenNI」,以及整合3D環繞音效系統,建置一套專為視障者訓練「定向行動能力」之互動遊戲環境。視障者透
[目的]   从动物水平及分子水平研究雄激素(双氢睾酮,dihydrotestosterone,DHT)对心肌细胞肥大反应的影响及其信号转导机制,探讨17β-雌二醇(17β-estradiol,E2)对DHT诱导心肌
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