
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjtiankong1981
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1.本试验用盆栽方法培养中农28小麦,用不同分量(分高、中、低三种)的氮、磷、钾混合肥料,依据小麦的分蘖、出节、抽穗和乳熟等发育时期进行单独或不同组合的追肥,以不施追肥的作对照。2.分蘖期追肥增加分蘖总数,但有效分蘖率低,主茎旁茎的小穗数增多,千粒重,总粒重均增加。3.出节期追肥,增加有效分蘖,旗叶长度,千粒重和总粒重,茎秆比对照的矮而粗。4.单独抽穗期追肥,强烈地延迟了成熟,并使千粒重减低,总粒重也略低于对照植株。5.乳熟期追肥稍迟,肥效较小,千粒重和总粒重均高于对照,迟熟的现象不如抽穗期追肥严重。6.后期追肥的作用不大,施用不慎甚至起不良作用(如抽穗期的追肥),但在前期追肥的基础上进行抽穗期的追肥,显著地增加了千粒重和总粒重,同时后期追肥,提高了种粒里的含氮量,改善了种粒品质。因此,前期的追肥起主要作用,后期追肥的作用是辅助的。7.起主导作用的前期追肥处理中,分蘖期的追肥产生的无效分蘖较多,总分蘖数也较多,过多的分蘖可能造成植株间的光线不足,因而遭致倒伏,而且实际上小麦生长初期无需大量的矿质肥料,因此分蘖期的追肥,根据本试验来看是不必要的。8.出节期追肥旗叶较大,茎秆短而粗,总产量是四个发育时期单独追肥处理中最大的一个。此时期追肥讨论起来对小麦的效能最大。 1. In this experiment, Zhongnong 28 wheat was cultivated by potted method and mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with different components (high, medium and low), according to tillering, exuberant, heading and milking stages of wheat Top-dressing alone or in combination with no top dressing. 2. Tillering top dressing to increase the total number of tillers, but the effective tiller rate is low, the number of main stem next to the stem spikelets increased, grain weight, total grain weight increased. 3. Topdressing topdressing, increase effective tillering, flag leaf length, grain weight and total grain weight, stalk dwarf and thicker than the control. 4. Heading alone topdressing, strongly delayed the maturity, and reduced grain weight, the total grain weight is also slightly lower than the control plants. 5. Late milk dressing late, fertilizer efficiency is smaller, 1000-grain weight and total grain weight were higher than the control, late maturing as serious as heading stage dressing. 6. The role of late dressing is not applied inadvertently or even play a negative role (such as the heading of the top dressing), but the top dressing on the basis of the heading date of the top dressing, significantly increased the 1000-grain weight and total grain weight, while the late dressing , Improve the nitrogen content in the grain, improve the grain quality. Therefore, the early top dressing play a major role, the role of late dressing is auxiliary. 7. In the early top dressing treatment, the top tillering fertilizer produced more invalid tillers and more total tillers. Too much tiller may cause insufficient light between the plants, which resulted in lodging. In fact, wheat Early growth without the need for a large number of mineral fertilizers, so top-dressing fertilizer, according to the test point of view is unnecessary. 8. The flag-leaf topdressing large seasons, stalks short and thick, the total output of four separate development of the top one of the top dressing. Discuss the effectiveness of top dressing wheat at this time the most efficient.
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