The Future of Pest Control 虫害防治的未来

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  Pest control has been a major issue for many decades. And the industry has seen many evolutions and modifications over the years as it has sought out newer ways to ensure that pests are controlled and properly managed.
   The main objective of the research and implementation of new pest control strategies is to reduce the impact that pests have on the environment and host creatures.
   Looking forward to how pest control will have evolved in the coming years, the average farmer and pet owner can anticipate a better life because of the new methods that are being developed. More so, the newer methods are even more cost-effective than the systems currently being used.
   Here are some of the newer methods being implemented in the management and prevention of pests:
  Monitoring devices
   Among the monitoring devices being implemented is a tool known as PestWatch; which is a GIS pest database that helps farmers monitor the kind of pests that are common in their locality.
   Farmers who will participate in this exercise set pheromone traps that are designed to attract all kind of pests and their population over a period of time. With this database, all the farmers in the program are able to upload the data they have which will then be uploaded on an interactive map and made available for preventive measures.
   Not only is the GIS technology useful to the farmer, it is equally important to building professionals and homeowners who can now have information about pests that are common in a particular location so that they can include a pest control plan to manage and mitigate pest issues on their facilities.
  Fertility control method
   Away from the traditional methods, pest control experts are now able to control particular insects through fertility control methods. These methods involve using the insect’s biology to disrupt its normal life cycle. Insect hormones are replicated and growth is regulated so that the pests are unable to reach full maturity as this method destroys reproductive abilities and further prevents an infestation from occurring.
  Genetic modifications
   Break out of new diseases like Zika Virus has kept the United States on its toes1 as it keeps spreading within the southern hemisphere into the north. There are now new technologies being developed to fight diseases that are being carried by mosquitoes.
   Oxitec, a science research company, has introduced male mosquitoes that have been genetically modified so that whenever they mate with the wild female mosquitoes, the offspring die before maturity. According to the research company, unlike the mosquito control methods currently being used, this method is quite effective and is better aimed at dealing with these insects. But not everyone thinks its okay to have mosquitoes that have been genetically modified in the communities. In fact, FDA approved this method somewhere in Florida and was met with loud opposition. The process had to be slowed down and its use is now being considered and modified.    Another study has also been carried out on flies where scientists were able to remove a gene in flies that could be useful in how infestations are being carried out. These scientists from the University of Hawaii were able to remove the genes from adult flies and observe a 50% decrease in the lifespan of the flies. The flies began to stick to surfaces and couldn’t break free. This lack of freedom, on its own, is good news for the pest control industry.
  Bedbug infestation control methods
   Some University of California researchers have observed patterns in the way bedbugs shed their skin that could be useful information on how to control these pests. According to the researchers, the bedbugs they observed were often found close to the areas where the bugs had previously shed their skin.
   They believe that these findings will be instrumental in developing monitoring devices in the future that will be useful in preventing infestations before they occur.
   Although this technology and the research is still being subjected to further testing and development, one cannot but notice how potent the technology is and the fact that it will be a “thing” in the near future. Commercial property owners will find this intriguing as it appears to be a way out for them on pest control.
  Introducing CO2
   There’s a new pest control technology that has been approved by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which involves using CO2. Traditionally, as a way to deal with pests, pest control experts fumigate pest infested areas with toxic chemicals from time to time. While this method is effective in managing the pests, it costs a great deal. And by being costly we don’t mean direct monetary value but the impact such chemicals have on the environment and even on human health.
   Moreover, after a full fumigation exercise, because of your safety and the safety of your loved ones, if a fumigation company carries out a fumigation exercise in and around your home, it may take up to one whole week for the chemical to complete its job. So you’d have to vacate the area and the area must be safe enough over that week for you to return to your home or farm.
   It is for safety and comfort issues like this that CO2 was introduced as a more effective way to deal with pests. With CO2, home and farm owners can return to their homes and farms quicker and the method itself is even safer.
   The only harm it seems to cause is to the pesky pests as it suffocates them without any contamination to the area.    Even though there are still many pest control outfits that are yet to come on board with this approach, this method is gaining widespread popularity across the country and will become very common in no distant time.
   The future seems bright, for the most part, in the pest control industry as many technological innovations are being made for more effective, cheaper and safer control methods. Not only are these methods human-friendly, they are also modified to factor in environmental protection—a cause we all must fight for.
  从很大程度上看,虫害防治行业的前途似乎一片光明:业内正在进行多项技术革新,以寻求更有效、更低廉及更安全的防治方法。这些方法不仅对人类有益,其改良还将考虑环保因素——保护环境是我们所有人的责任。                      □
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