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著名美术史论家、当代文人画大师王伯敏先生于2013年12月29日因病去世,享年90岁。作为二十世纪下半叶中国美术史学科研究领域的杰出带头人,王伯敏先生的逝去,让中国艺术界又失去了一位极负盛誉的美术史理论泰斗,同时伴随着的是一位山水画大家的巨星陨落。而他耗费几近半个世纪的光景,撰写美术界所迫切需要的六部美术专史,把我国美术史的研究推进一步的奇闻异事,让所有从事美术研究的学者尊敬和折服。作为徐悲鸿的研究生,国画大师黄宾虹的弟子,王伯敏的艺术成就不仅仅止步于理论层面,他以其渊博的文化学识和深厚的艺术修养,真正将理论付诸于实践,在自己的山水画作品中不断创新、提高,所有这些,都是美术界人士传颂的典范。本文作者是一位与王伯敏先生相熟许久的美术史家、评论家舒士俊先生,他在撰写这篇文章的时候,王老健在,但已入暮年,身体欠佳。但不曾想,溘然离世,给作者内心带来久久的叹息与思念。舒士俊先生对于王伯敏先生山水画实践中的衰年变法问题尤为关注,并提出了自己独到的见解与分析。本杂志刊登此文,也是对于王伯敏先生本人的纪念,更是对于其在中国美术史及绘画实践中的所作出的重大历史贡献的纪念。 Renowned art historian and contemporary literary painter Mr. Wang Boyin died of illness on December 29, 2013, at the age of 90. As an outstanding leader in the field of Chinese art history in the second half of the twentieth century, the passing away of Mr. Wang Bowen has left the Chinese art world again with a very prestigious art history theory, accompanied by a landscape artist The star falls. He spent nearly half a century developing the history of six fine arts desperately needed by the art world and pushing forward the study of the history of fine arts in China. He also respected and impressed all the scholars engaged in fine arts research. As Xu Beihong’s graduate student, Huang Binhong’s master of Chinese painting, Wang Bowen’s artistic achievement is not limited to the theoretical level. With his profound cultural knowledge and profound artistic accomplishment, he truly put theory into practice and continuously updated his works of landscape painting Innovation, improvement, all of these, are examples of people in art circles. The author of this article is an art historian and critic Shu Shijun who has been familiar with Mr. Wang Boyin for a long time. When he wrote this article, Wang Laojian was there, but he was in his infancy and was in poor health. But never thought, died suddenly, to the author’s heart to bring a long sigh and miss. Mr. Shu Shijun paid special attention to the problem of changeable law in the practice of landscape painting by Mr. Wang Bowen and put forward his own unique insights and analysis. The publication of this article by this magazine is also a memorial of Mr. Wang Boyin himself and a memorial of his significant historic contribution made in the practice of Chinese art history and painting.
干部考察是组织部门的一项基础性业务和经常性工作,也是组工干部学习、提高的好机会。 Cadre inspection is a basic business and regular work organized by the departme
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