莲子取新鲜莲子(莲子中央的绿色莲芯不要剔除)15克,水煎服。连同莲子一起服用,治梦遗。也可取新鲜莲子10克(带莲芯),与主食一起蒸熟后嚼服,每日2次,连服2周。葡萄取新鲜葡萄250克,去皮、核并捣烂后,加适量温开水饮服,每日1 ̄2次,连服2周,可治前列腺炎和小便短赤涩痛。猕猴桃新
Lotus seeds take fresh lotus seeds (Lotus lotus central green lotus do not get rid of) 15 grams, Shuijianbi. Together with lotus seeds, cure dreams. Also available fresh lotus 10 grams (with lotus core), steamed with the staple food after chewing clothes, 2 times a day, and even served 2 weeks. Grapes to take fresh grapes 250 grams, peeled, and nuclear and smashed, add appropriate amount of warm water Beverage Service, 1 to 2 times a day, and even served 2 weeks, can cure prostatitis and short red astringent pain. Kiwi new